I figured I might as well cross-post it here. *shrug*
I've made tremendous progress on my stitching this month - I'm very happy! I've now moved another place in my rotation. Cats on a Staircase is done for this round, thanks to a very good week of pushing forward. As of October 17th, here's where I am:
I'd have gotten much further, but discovered AFTER completing the bottom stripes of green stitches that I'd reversed the key code in my head... so a-frogging I went, pulling out five hours of work. *sigh* But it's corrected, and I'm continuing to move. Next round I plan to add the cat that's on top on that red box (his butt outline is visible next to the boxes) and continue along the bottom of the stocking.
Next, my progress on Elemental Dragon: Spirit, by Dragon Dreams. This one's a quick stitch, and I imagine I'll have it done in the next week or so. I'm using it as my commute piece - with three hours of stitching per day available on the train, this can get a lot of attention! Here's where I was as of Oct. 17th... I've since moved further along on it:
Even though I had it in my rotation, I'm just going to keep working on it until it's done. *shrug*
Next, I started Erich's Star Wars sampler last weekend. This is from a pattern I found at another blogger's site (need to find my credit for it... it's buried somewhere here). It's not my own design, although I did sketch this out on graph paper myself, so any variances from the original would be my own. Here's my first night progress on it, on Oct. 18th:
This is another quick-stitch. I'll do some more work on it this weekend during the Patriot's game on Sunday, I think. :)
And finally, my first update on my
Totally Useless SAL (aka TUSAL). I had to get a container for this that was cat-safe before I could take a photo. IKEA to the rescue!
Part of my stitching this month has been to clean out my floss storage containers - I've traditionally tossed all of my orts in there as I go. So yeah, it's a bit fuller than I expected. :)