My husband, my housemate, and I were glued to the screen in near silence for an hour. We all enjoyed it... a lot, but we were rather contemplative and soft-spoken once it ended as we gave our initial thoughts.
spoilers... lots and lots of spoilers... )
I'm sure there are going to be some "how could she?" comments regarding Rose's quick acceptance of HumanDoctor, judging by the kiss, but I chalk it up to her emotion at FINALLY hearing those words (which I could tell were THE words, as I was staring rather hard at DT's jawline as he said them). I hate RTD writing such a hasty exit for the Doctor--was it because he knew Donna was deteriorating? or was it Ten not being able to watch Rose kiss him-but-not-him?
Part of me knows that Rose staying in this universe would mean she'd be forced to leave at some point--lost somewhere, killed, growing old...something. This way--well, Ten knows she wanted so much more from him, and she's going to have that. NewTen has the intelligence, the wit, and that devotion to Rose...could we have really asked for more? RTD gave us something I didn't expect--frankly, I figured Rose surviving would be good fortune!
I do wish she'd been able to get a kiss from the original Ten, but I'll be happy with what we were given. (Besides, there's no way to guarantee we *won't* see Rose again, right? ;-)
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