Sep 01, 2007 04:07
In anticipation of having a houseguest next week, I've actually been sorting, cleaning, and clearing.
It's been a bit alarming. Some of these boxes and tubs haven't been touched since before thatbard moved in with me, in 2001. The marmalade boy-cats are "helping" and that's quite something as well.
I don't know who can use what - Master_MR, more fabric and yarn? Zohra, Baroness_Martha, can you use beads or pearls? I think Nomad_mwe has the corner of the market on garb..... but what about feastgear? anyone? Or size 8-10-12 ladies clothing? My shape changed so drastically it looks silly on me, but I have about a dozen pairs of brandy-new, tags still attached, Harley jeans going begging....
Darn it. I have a spare bedroom. I want it to BE one!