time is slowly dwindling till its time for me to be home and away from the valley im kinda excited about it actually i am ready to be at home and with my family. finals are approaching and its one big crazy mess...i have so much work to do in such a little amount of time..and the more and more i think about school the more i want to change my major right now its pr and sports management but now i am thinking about pr and prelaw...and do copyright infringement and also i would be able to draft my own contracts without having anybody else do it for me...it would be all me...right now i dont know what do to...i know when i get home i have to try to find a lovely job so i can work my summer away.... we will see what happens...right now...i just want to get though this semester and be happy....life is ok right now..i have people at school who think i spread rumors about them..but the funny thing is i have not once said anything about them...lately i just dont know who to trust...sometimes i dont want to trust anybody..i want to just be by myself..but i dont know...ah!!!!
I wish i wish i wish...i wish to much...lately since the things that happened at VT i have re thought the way my life is...life cant be about wishing...i need to live everyday to its fullest because you never no when it will be your last and i know that all the ppl that died are in a wonderful place and are with the lord our savior.
this picture was from the memorial service held at my university...it was a very sad day and it made me re-think my entire life and how i am with my friends and in life....
Life is a wonderful blessing!