May 07, 2003 17:15
Ok people. My life is kinda just going along at autopilot right now. I am happy to say that I already got one of my final grades back and it is an A! Woohoo for me! Also, my baby had her FHC last weekend and she looked like a cute little cupcake. lol
And finally..................Shrek said the "L" word. That's right. Shrek loves Meara. Hmmmm, should we get a sitcom? That's right, it's beyond sleep security. lol He asked me what kind of dog I want when I get married, and how I feel about adoption. It took all of my strength not to yell at him and tell him to just ask me already if he wants to, no more of this beating around the bush! Sheesh.
What was that I once said about men? Oh right, boys can be boys far far away from me.