we're the fairies from hell and we're all on a deathwish [for obscuronoctis]

Nov 11, 2010 21:56

There are things that Xanadu is good for. Free beer is one. Getting away from Living Impaired Stalkers is another. The best, in Penelope's opinion, is of course shopping. Shopping is like a sport-- it's physically taxing, requires strategy, and when you win, you feel total exhilaration. Or Penelope does, anyway. Though, once that's done, she gets hungry. Every time. Good thing for her that Xanadu's got some pretty good cafés as well.

So over a chicken caesar salad (with excellent croutons. This is beyond important to a successful caesar.) and iced tea with lemon, Penelope sits and glories over the successes of her day's haul. It's getting to the cold weather time of year, but it's still excellently sunny, so she chose a patio table outside. Not that she likes people watching or anything, but if passers by choose to admire her clearly superior fashion sense, this way it will be far easier for them to do so. And fair-skinned as Penny is, she really does like sitting in the sun.

with:obscuronoctis, rp

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