survey :D

Jul 27, 2004 20:13

> 1. Full name: Emily Kay Raulerson
> 2. Were you named after?: no one. my parents just thought it sounded good! :D
> 3. Do you wish on stars?: ya only on shooting stars!! and ive only seen one! (in ohio-didnt come true tho)
> 4. Which finger is your favorite?: pinky. lol

> 5. When did you last cry?: um..i dont rememeber.
> 6. Do you like your handwriting?: sometimes
> 7. What is your favorite lunch to eat?: um. i luved st patrick's food. lol.
> 8. What is your most embarrassing CD?: none of them are embarrassing. to me. lol
> 9. If you were another person, would you be friends with
> you?: yea i think so
> 10. Do looks matter?: sometimes
> 11. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid? haha im sure! :D lol

> 12. Do fish have feelings? sure! NEMO! lol

> 13. Are u trendy?: i suppose. lol.
> 14. How do you release anger?: scream, sit by myself, cry or take a shower. lol
> 15. Do you trust others easily?: usually. except guys. i dont trust guys anymore.
> 16. Do you like sappy love songs?: omgsh totally! thats like all i listen too lol
> 17. Have you ever been on radio,on television or in the
> newspaper?: ive been on the radio! i said the pledge of alleigence on rooster country! and when i win stuff~ :) and i was on the news once when they covered the Jr. Roar dancing on the field.

> 18. Do have a journal?: yep. online and offline. but offline i call it a diary!
> 19. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: yep
> 20. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: no ive watched one tho.

> 21. What are your nicknames?: em, emms/z, scremily, screm k, emily kay, ducky, baby, half pint, emily elizabeth, chipper, emmy poo, sugabear, lil em, emmy #2 (haha em b!), and middle em. lol
> 22.Would you bunjee Jump?: um id probably chicken out!
> 23. you untie your shoes when you take them off?: my cleats. only bc they wont come off! lol
> 24. What are you worried about right now?: myself. im not gonna write about it right if you want to know, IM me lol
> 25. Do you think that you are strong?: pretty strong. mentally or matters what i need to be strong about..
> 26. What's your favorite color?: orange
> 27. What is your least favorite thing in the world?: mustard, mayonaise, um..spiders & guys.. lol
> 28. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: none yet. lol
> 29. Whats your worst fear?: losing my friends and falling in love.
> 30. How many people do you have a crush on?: 0
> 31. Do you want whoever you send this to, to send it
> back?: well its in my journal, but i hope other ppl do it or put it in email

> -Birthdate: November 2 1988
> -Birthplace: Memorial Hospital of Jacksonville Florida
> -Current Location: Jacksonville Florida!
> -Eye Color: Brown
> -Hair Color: dirty blonde.
> -Height: 5'2" or 5'3"
> -Righty or Lefty: Righty
> -Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
> -Your heritage: i know Germany, Sweden & I think Ireland.

> -The shoes you wore today: my black flip flops i got at the family dollar in cocoa beach about a yr ago!

> -Your weakness: falling in love & getting pissed off too easily lol
> -Your fears: falling in love and losing my friends
> -Your perfect pizza: cheese. with pineapples.
> -Goal you'd like to achieve: meet Aaron Carter & Brad Paisley! lol and become a singer. :D
> -Most overused phrase on MSN/AIM: either lol or heh
> -Your thoughts first waking up: uhm. probably lets go back to sleep. that sounds like a plan. haha
> -Physical feature: of guys? eyes and teeth. and arm muscles! ;D
> -Pepsi or Coke: coke as regular coke but i like pepsi PRODUCTS better.
> -McDonald's or Burger King: subway. lol no mcdonalds.
> -Single or group dates: most of the time single. but group dates are okay every now and then.
> -Adidas or Nike: nike
> -Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea bc they make SWEET tea lol
> -Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
> -Cappuccino or coffee: neither. i like starbuck's stuff lol
> -Cuss: alot lol
> -Sing: all the time hehe
> -Take a shower everyday: um most of the time. if i dont take one everyday ill take one the next morning. lol
> -Have a crush(es): nope
> -Do you think you've been in love: yes
> -Want to go to college: yes

> -Like high school: ya i like it. but id rather be back @ st patricks! (with my class of course!)
> -Want to get married: yes
> -Believe in yourself: not often
> -Get motion sickness: nope. never. except for that one ride at the fair me & brian rode. thats the only one.
> -Do you think you're attractive: matters what i look like! lol i looked good in ohio most of the time! maybe i shud go back lol
> -Think you're a health freak: hell no lol
> -Get along with your parents: most of the time
> -Like thunderstorms: unless its almost a tornado! like that one in naples scared the shit out of me! if the clouds are rele dark and i see them before the storm, i dont like it.
> -Play an instrument: im a singer. i am the instrument! hahaha
> In the past month have you...
> -Done a drug: No
> -Made Out: i dont think so..actually! thats not true. ive been to zach's in this month! haha
> -Gone to the mall?: yep
> -Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
> -Eaten sushi: eww thats sick
> -Been on stage: yes lol i had to get something off the stage my dad was playing on! :D

> -Gone skating: no
> -Made homemade cookies: umm nope..i dont think ive EVER done that lol
> -Gone skinny dipping: no
> -Dyed your hair: no
Sotlen anyhitng : no

> Ever..
> -Played a game that required removal of clothing: nope. lol
> If so, was it mixed company: see above.
> -Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
> -Been caught "doing something": haha ya! lol like 4 times with matt! and a few with paul and JJ lol
> -Been called a tease: not a
> -Gotten beaten up: um. no. lol
> -Changed who you were to fit in: no
> -Age you hope to be married: when i fall in love

> -Numbers and Names of Children: i want 6. lol more would do, and atleast 4! Charles Matthew, Lindsay Anne, Brandon Jackson, Riley Alexander, Ryan Christopher, and one other i cant remember. :)
> -Describe your dream wedding: yay! i love this stuff. i'd be in MY wedding dress. the one I design. light green brides maid dresses with my best friends, who i've already decided who they're goin to be lol my yellow rose bouquet. a white carpet to the altar with yellow roses in a bushel on each pew. at st patrick's. and SOO many ppl there. lol
> -How do you want to die: when im OLD! but i want to die before my husband. in my sleep. or instantly.
> -Where do you want to go to college?: notre dame, st mary's, alabama or duke.
> -What do you want to be when you grow up: a singer, anisteciologist (person who puts ppl to sleep for operations) or a journalist
> -What country would you most like to visit: Germany. or England. I'd just like to explore Europe.
> -Best eye color? brown. or green.
> -Best hair color? brown. dark brown. :D
> -Short or long hair: mainly short
> -Height: 5'6" or taller.
> -Best weight: it matters if its muscle or fat. lol
> -Best articles of clothing: surfer stuff or american eagle yum.
> -Best first date location: first'd have to be the movies. lol
> -Best first kiss location: haha mine was outside st patrick's social hall! <3 lol but the best kiss was outside christ the king church at JM's car. :)
> -Number of people I could trust with my life: 4 or 5 i think.
> -Number of CDs that I own: omg like a ton! lol almost 70 i think lol
> -Number of piercings: um.. 2. one in each ear.
> -Number of tattoos: not until im 18. :)
> -Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 0 lol
> -Number of scars on my body: um.. i think about 3. one from an oyster..i got hit in the chest with the ball in tball lol one from my straigtener and then one on my knee from sliding into 2nd last yr.
> -Number of things in my past that I regret: 2
> -Anything else to say: my cat is meowing histarically.
> 1) Full name: Emily Kay Raulerson
> 2)Bed size? twin
> 3) Sex: Female.
> 4)Birthday: november 2 1988
> 5)Siblings: daniel
> 6) Hair color: dirty blonde
> 7) Eye color: BROWN
> 8) Shoe size: 6 and a half
> 9)Height: 5'3
> *-;-* R e l a t i o n s h i p s~*
> 1) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
> 2) Did you send this to your crush/bf/gf? its on my journal & i dont have a crush.
> *-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*
> 1) Where is your favorite place to shop?: pac sun
> 2)Do you have any piercings? yes
> 3) Do you wear more dark or light colored clothes? both. lol
> 4) What color do you refuse to wear?: um.. baby blue. bc i look horrible in it. lol
> *-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

> 1) Do you do drugs? negative
> 2) What kind of shampoo do you use? usually suave or white rain. but i dont HAVE to use them. lol
> 3) What are you most scared of most?? omgoodness. for the 100th time, falling in love and losing my friends.
> 4) What are you listening to right now? old school. (the movie!)
> 5) What car do you wish to have? black jeep grand cherokee
> 6) Who is the last person that called you? my mom lol
> 7) Where do you want to get married at? st patricks
> ?¿?¿ F a v o r i t e T h i n g s ?¿?¿
> 1) color: orange
2) Number: 10
> 3) Food: um. french fries? lol
> 4) Boy's name: charlie.
> 5) Girl's names: lindsay and riley
> 6) Subject(s) in school: history
> 7) Animal: ducks
> 8) game(s): solitaire??
> *-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*
> 1) Given anyone a bath?: yep! Audra, the girl I babysit!
> 2)Bungee jumped?: nope
> 3) Broken the law: well since its illegal to take a shower naked in florida, yes. and ive driven past 7. haha
> 4) Made yourself throw-up? yes..only so i wudnt have to go to skool.
> 5) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? not since i was like.. 6. lol
> *~-;-~*W h a t 's w o r s e*~-;-~*
> 1) Love or Death?: death
> 2) Getting cheated on or cheating on someone?: well ive never cheated on anyone. but ive been cheated on. so getting cheated on.
> 3) Liking someone and them not liking u or someone liking
> someone and them not liking u: isnt it the same thing? lol

> *-;-*F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-
> 1) Do you like filling these out?: ya most of the time
> 2)How many people are you sending this to?: whoever reads my journal lol
> 3) Who will send it back?: melissa and amanda will write it. and so will rachel prob.
> 4) If you could be someonoe else for a day who would it be?: courtney...she gets what she wants. :(
> 5) Gold or Silver?: silver
> 6) What is the last film you saw at the cinema?: the notebook
> 7) Favorite cartoon character?: simba
> 8) What do you have for breakfast in the morning?: cookie crisp :D
> 9) Who would you hate being locked in a room with: um. tara hunt. lol

who would you love to be locked up w/: aaron carter <3 lol or.. trevor. or matt. lol
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