Nov 01, 2013 23:54

FOR dgmdressroom
This is an Allen who was never adopted by Mana Walker, and was never trained by General Cross Marian.

Instead, he left the circus on his own at the age of ten, homeless and fending for himself- until he was caught in the middle of an Akuma attack on Keswick, England two years later.  He was discovered to be an Innocence accommodator and taken to the Black Order headquarters, which is where he has been for the past three four years.

The fact that he named himself Allen is totally a coincidence...

♕ taken from the early canon (the middle of Krory's arc)  taken from chapter 186
♕ he arrived in the DR on May 8th, 2010
♕ in the DR, he is often being being followed by a Timcanpy, sent by his world's Cross to track the boy given to him by Cross, who is currently assumed dead.
♕ Innocence is now the same as Crown Clown, although he only refers to it as Edge End.

⇒ full name: Allen [formerly 'Red']
⇒ age: Approx. 15 16 (or 17)
⇒ birth date: Unknown (considers himself a year older on 01 01)
⇒ hair: Auburn
⇒ eyes: Gray
⇒ height: 168 cm 174 cm (5'08 ½'')
⇒ weight: 58 kg 56 kg (123.2 lbs)
⇒ blood type: O
⇒ sexuality: Hetero (?)
⇒ nationality: British
⇒ occupation: Exorcist
⇒ relatives: None
⇒ distinguishing features: Deformed red left arm; unlike canon!Allen, he has no curse scar and his hair is brown
⇒ attire: Simple, late 19-century era clothing (usually wears red or black); sometimes now in modern T-shirts and hoodies; no string ties or gloves
⇒ weapon:Left arm ; Parasitic; Named Edge End (resembles Crown Clown)
⇒ interests: Eating, sparring, sleeping
⇒ dislikes: Everything else

Education: 1
Affinity: 2
Battle Ability: 4
Mental: 5
Flexibility: 3
Rescue: 5

His accent is British, though a bit hard to place.  It's noticeably different from Allen Walker's, as he's not emulating Mana's manner of speech.♕
He never wears gloves in the DR, and over time, has taken to wearing more modern clothing, such as T-shirts and hoodies. He is very rarely in his Exorcist uniform (the third version.) ♕
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