Apr 07, 2005 19:12
yupp...i officially hate school....ok this one i want to talk about ppl:
~HEIDI-omg...where do i start..i luv ya gurl you are so friggin awesome i cant explain it...i luv hanging out with ya...especially goin cruising wit ya cause i never would have gotten him to stop...hehe....also i love your taste in men......god hes sooo hottt....its unbelieveable (or however you spell it).....yeah well to good mems exspecially my partys...adn thanks for being there when times got tough...~couMEANSgh~...hehehe!! LUV YA mwah hehe i stole that from ya ~youre real cool~ ~ya queer~ hehehe well luv ya babe
~MARIAH-where to start where to start...ok we have so much fun together....i luv hanging with ya you are so awesome.....i luv spending the weekends with ya....i luv all the fun we h ave together......you are so right.....we can make a bad situation into a good one......i luv that you are so weird and that you too are there for me i luv that and you....you are my best friend till enternity.....i luv ya...thanks for being my friend and my cuz..to the good times.....LUV YA BABY...i mean joie (or whatev)
~KESS-girl i dont hang out wit ya and i luv ya you dont care what ppl think bout ya and i luv that...that is so awesome...plus im like that so hehehe
luv ya gurl even thought you really dont know me that much
~AUB-girl you are awesome you too dont care what ppl think bout ya just like mE.....ABBBBS!!..just we could get in more trouble if ya came to school...duh!
~EM-i hope you dont hate me anymore cause you are just like aub and kess...outspoken!!....you are a beast.....your boobs are bigger..hehe
~BELLE-ok you are so friggin awesome....i dont know really what else to say bout ya just that you are a friggin BOMB!! luv ya
~TROY-troy youre gay & no i will not ef you ya queer!! hehe
~ARMSTRONG-ok i was glad that you were there when i needed to talk..now i dont know what is going on..you say that you are in LOVE (love to me, in case no one else knows, is a thing you say when you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone) with me...im not sure if ya are or arent and you just dont understand that i hate going to the movies...i thought i told ya that.....and oh yeah we had plans i said i didnt want to go to the movies and then you go off to new york...thanks i appreciate that... well luv ya babe..that is muh word yours is hun!!
~~ok well luv to all!! KISS KISS & YOURE REAL COOL YA QUEER!!