My life, an update

Aug 06, 2013 22:10

Job, school, Crossfit, movies, phone and phone cover, potential guy-friend online, reccs, other life updates. Nothing unusually scary or opinionated.

So I applied for a “extra help Juvenile Detention Corrections Officer” position and got a call back! I’m still really excited. I applied to be a dispatcher and a deputy sheriff (a long shot) and got a call back from the dispatcher’s, but the juvie C.O. job was the one I really wanted. Even better, the juvenile C.O.s has and easier PAT (physical) test - the 1.5 mile is around 17:20 minutes to qualify instead of the police/sheriff's standard of 14:34 minutes which I haven’t ever managed to make (my best time is 15:51 I believe). It should be very do-able for me. I just need to find out if the test is taken on an indoor or outdoor track so I practice properly. (P.S. Powerade now comes in Strawberry Lemonade! And Blistex makes a Raspberry Lemonade that actually smells/tastes like the Minute Maid frozen ones that I adore and found locally! Hallelujah! One of my favorite flavors of all time).

I’d have to put off (most of) school if I got either job, but I’m actually happy to do it, because the training is like 8 months. Otherwise, I’m looking, very unsuccessfully, for a part-time job to work *during* school for the first time. Otherwise, I'll be borrowing money from my grandmother, who has offered and saved it for that purpose. My summer Ag job really fell through due to the short season. Apparently two of the three classes I’d be taking in the fall are heavy ones and I’m really not sure how homework fits with even a part-time job. That's been freaking me out.

Yesterday I went to Crossfit place in town, run by a former Marine, and two former/current police officers/C.O.s. Crossfit is supposedly for people who run or lift weights and it helps you excel at both. I went at 11am which was way too hot even being mostly indoors (with the door open). My muscles feel like some solid material, all over but that’s what I wanted. I needed someone to get my butt in gear and kick it. It’s a cool place and they definitely know what they’re doing. I did ‘dead lifts’ I think it’s called? With the big metal bar that you put round disk weights on the end like the weight lifters do on the back of the shoulders? First time doing that. Two instructors noticed I was “very flexible” because I was able to squat down so far even though I only lifted the 15lb. bar (no weights added) because I wanted to get the form down right; they said that was crucial. I learned some great stretches to get the back of my butt/hamstrings for running in future. I did squats for about 40 straight minutes, something that had previously been difficult for me so I’m proud of myself for that. I only wimped out when it came time for sprints, surprisingly. I’m a sprinter but I think I’m more out of shape than I thought. I got nauseous and light-headed for that but I’m not going to judge myself too harshly on something I know I’m weak at (especially when I vastly exceeded my own expectations in other weak areas). I like working out with a leader and a group so it was really fun and I’m definitely interested in going back. I’d recommend it for people under 40 who are already in decent athletic shape (it’s not a weight-loss or casual exercise gym), anyone who’s done school/college sports will understand it’s kind of a coach/mentor/drill instructor set-up. There was a short/large-but-muscled lady there who did triathlons so you crazy people who actually enjoy working out will adore this place.

In other news, I met another guy on Eharm. His name is Jesse, Air Force, my age, lives across the state. We’ve been talking for a couple weeks now, online. We’re going to try and Skype sometime this weekend and I’m kind of nervous because we’d like to be ‘friends first’ (which is a brilliant way of getting to know someone without the nerves and relational concerns. I say honestly that without sarcasm). I’ve never ‘met’ anyone over the internet. He says he’s quiet, non-emotional, a realist, artistic (he draws decently), wants to be an engineer or architect and is looking to go to school (and I assume get out of the military) soon. He’s the youngest of six (some biological, others step-siblings as his mother is remarried at least. From what I’ve read the eldest - me - does best marrying a younger child - him - I couldn’t help but notice that). He’s ridiculously active, almost intimidatingly so, though he admittedly can’t spell and doesn’t put much effort into it or punctuation yet seems intelligent otherwise. I wouldn’t say he’s the most attractive person I’d ever seen, though not ugly, either. He’s growing on me (I do fall in love with the personality/mind of a person so I can adjust). He likes and has a cat and “maybe wants kids” the same as me according to his profile. I just have no idea how we’d have a relationship, locationally, financially, if we get to that point and that’s…worrisome though I know I’m “worrying”, and indeed thinking, far too soon.

I saw Red 2. Don’t bother with it. Anything you loved about the first film is repetitive, obvious/clichéd, the characterization is missing, the action is really fake, Catherine Zeta-Jones is scary (not in a good way), and the movie acts like casual murder is funny and sexy, something I did *not* appreciate. I loved John Malcovich in the first installment and he was okay in this one (doing his best with what he was given) and I have to say, though I haven't seen her in much (loved her in Angels in America), I still don't like or enjoy Mary Louise Parker.

I saw Milo Ventimiglia's new-ish movie, Static (2012), on YouTube. I thought it was decent. It made me ask distracting questions throughout but it answered them in an almost-surprise ending that I found quite heartbreaking, sweet, poignant and creative. For that, the ending, I'd say watch it. The rest of it is...just too odd, cliched, and makes no sense, counting on the ending to give answers, sense and resolution. The wife is, as usual, really stupid. I do wish Milo would lay off his own 'author inserts' in his acting - like making his characters really sucessful writers, etc. This is twice now he's done it. Unless he's making fun of himself, it really stands out for me, as a fan, to watch it and that's distracting. I heard Chosen is getting a second season, though, and I think that's awesome though I didn't finish the first season. I'm interested to see Milo's Noir show (I can't remember the exact name of it: LA Noir?)

I finally saw Shark Night and it was a good movie. It’s SHARK WEEK!!!! I’m so weird, I love shark movies! They scare me as good as any other horror movie mostly because I’m quite afraid of sharks (and horror movies yet I watch them both anyway. And, no, I don’t plan on having too many brain cells in my old age). Jaws as a kid gave me nightmares. I was way too busy laughing at the inconsistencies and false ‘facts’ both whatever nature channel I was watching and Shark Night tried to sell to me (the TV claimed Bull sharks are the only shark that can control its body temperature - BS! So can Great Whites to say the least and Shark Night tried to pretend that cookie cutter sharks aren’t deep-sea dwellers that have never been caught alive and rarely seen at all - nice try! Lesson: don’t believe everything you hear/see on TV).

My cat brought a mouse in the house last night. He survived and we got him safely outside but only after I’d rearranged the furniture about twelve times and woke my parents up twice. I know game_byrd would just laugh at ‘saving’ a mouse but I like mice and I didn’t want to deal with a bloodstain or know that something died in my house, which is a very weird thought if you think about it.

I got a new phone because my old one broke. It was the fairly cheap HTC Rhyme but I loved it. I got the Samsung Galaxy SIII (blue). It’s…decent. I’m very picky, quick and hard on my devices. The texting keyboard is set up so weird it takes me twice as long to write anything and the to-do-list/notes thing is annoying, though it might connect to the calendar, I’m not sure. It also doesn’t have any cute noises for notifications (my Rhyme has a darling cricket noise - an inside joke because I hate crickets). This new noise is a dorky two-tone bubble sound that I can barely hear (whereas the Rhyme’s cricket noise I could hear throughout the house if need be). The phone itself is shaped entirely different and while I’m getting used to it, I’m still not in love with it (it’s thin front-to-back and wide at the sides as opposed to thick and thin respectively) I’m also picky about a phone cover and after scouring Amazon, Best Buy, Verizon and some other phone cover website for literal days, I finally found one that works - an all silicone, nice gray (my favorite color) Amzer case for about $11 at ShopAndroid (I paid, like $13 total and it shipped in 2-3 days). The cover fits and exposes all the jacks, the buttons work and it doesn't raise the screen cover I have (which doesn't totally cover the screen but that's okay). I wanted a clear case (they ‘discolored’ according to the reviews) because the blue of the phone is gorgeous and I didn’t want to cover it up but this will do nicely enough. I have trouble turning it off (not because of the cover, mind) because I squeeze with my fingers (on the left side) and hit the volume controls when trying to hit the power button on the right with my thumb. Ah, well. I will say the internet on my new phone (LGTE 4?) is *amazing.* The battery is better, too. It can go all day *with* heavy internet usage, unlike my old phone which could handle, like, five pages of searching max (really annoying when you have to, you know, SEARCH or SIGN-IN). It uses the same charging cords, too.

I've also signed up to the new co-mod for Milo Daily here on LJ. And the Heroes Season 2 Rewatch begins next week, Sundays at 7 Pacific Time.

ooc, friends, reccs, personal

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