Mar 07, 2013 21:16

Okay, so, wow.

I made the SERIOUS mistake of joining eHarmony.


It will look good, like they know what they’re doing - most of the results are accurate to describe your personality, they give you plenty of room/opportunity to write about yourself. BUT you can't access your match's personality thing so I assume they can't see mine.

FREE ACCOUNT: You can’t see pictures of other members. You CANNOT COMMUNICATE with them either. You can send the equivalent of a “like” or “wink/nudge/smile.” You’re not “supposed” to put personal contact info on there but I did because it’s so crappy. It hasn’t been removed so far. So what's the point of "looking" at people you can't actually LOOK at, and nudging people you can't TALK to? Follow my train of logic here, folks. Oh, and you can't see who has viewed your profile. You can't "search" for anyone. You get what you get or you get nothing.

PAID ACCOUNT: DON’T DO IT! First, eHarm will AUTO-RENEW you depending on what account you bought. The accounts are expensive, BTW. The cheapest and longest one I saw DURING Valentine’s Day, was $71.40/12 months (of $5.95/mo. Billed in three installments of $23.something). You have to contact them to get off auto renew. I wasn’t sure if I was or not, so I contacted them and I’m not on auto renew anymore if they did anything or not. Their monthly rate is $60. That's right, $60. One month. This let's you view when someone's been active (not time-stamped, thank goodness, or I'd look like a stalker. No, more like "active today/last week.") Still can't search for people.

Second, NO REFUNDS! They say to “expand your settings” of who you’ll accept, how far away they live and all sorts of details. This is from the site that says it will give you love or at least reasonable, viable options - and it wants ME to expand and loosen MY standards??? I’ve been on it for a few weeks now. Contacted by 4 men, two on free accounts (they were smart and did not upgrade! Lost contact with them). Two men didn’t work out, though one was very nice, if sexist.

I’ve expanded and restricted my settings (mostly distance 60-120 miles - get real - and ‘do you want kids’) many times. When I did the ‘don’t want kids’ option, any and all “matches” ceased. (Don’t give me any crap about “well, almost all guys want kids” - I KNOW. I think they’re stupid but that’s my opinion/problem). I haven’t gotten a new guy in my inbox for days. I am not receiving ANY new options, ladies and gentlemen. Listen to me carefully when I say I can’t entirely blame the site for this. My standards might not be anywhere near viable for other guys in my state/area. My OPINION/THEORY is that there aren’t enough guys of my type ON THE SITE TO BEGIN WITH, something you won’t know until you, well, get on a free account at the least. The site can’t do anything about matching me when there aren’t any people to match me to. Legally, as far as they’re concerned, they’ve done their part (their minimum is, like 12 matches, which they’ve exceeded, for me at least, before it went cold and they ran out of matches). I had lots of matches, people. I had to can all but 4 because they wanted kids and I didn't. Of the four I have currently, two don't have photos of themselves and they live 120+ miles away. NONE of them have been active in the past month or two so I have not been contacted or gotten a response, nor have they "moved on" indicating that they aren't interested. It seems to help get me more matches if I 'achieve' matches, so I getting rid of people who aren't a good match or who aren't active or whatever criteria you decide. And you can still talk to achieved matches, they just don't show up on your initial screen for newer matches.

Also, Eharm tends to drop my Eharm mail (the equivalent of a character-restricted email).

I did some research. I took all the money from my PayPal account, changed my email to a fake one so they can’t contact me. I’m going to see how that works. Just GOOGLE THE HORROR STORIES, PEOPLE. eHarm will hunt you like the IRS EVEN AFTER YOU CANCEL. DON’T USE A CREDIT CARD. Cancelling does not void your subscription, either. Point is, I’m not paying for less than a month of free/spotty/then crappy/then no service. I get that it’s not their fault  - I’m still not paying for it. I *should* be allowed and able to get a refund/return no matter what their carefully hidden small-print policy is. Their “return it for refund” time period, by law? 3 DAYS!!! In 3 days, if you want a refund, you get it, after that NOTHING. I heard of one guy who started the site FuckYoueHarmony and they deleted his account with a refund but the policy states that’s unusual circumstances. Other sites have said to “harass” your matches and act obnoxious to get thrown off for a refund. Sometimes PayPal will help you, sometimes it won’t. You can tell your credit card company/bank not to pay but eHarm will still try to get at you. BRING IT.
P.S. PayPal hacked my bank account to give Eharm money. Neat.


I tried another site which shall remain nameless (it wasn't, though. That looked like those FuckBook porn ads for hook-ups. It scared me, I did not complete that account. P.S. I went back and finished it and it was the option to 'hook up' is just that - men who want sex or stupid dates to potentially rape. I do not advise or recommend it and I've since deleted the account). It lets you see all the person's info, pictures if they have them posted, let's you "smile/wink/nudge" in free account, looks a lot cheaper, is definitely more LOCAL than eHarm. There are also more ways to contact each other (in paid account, of course). Though it did hook me up with a 50+ year old guy who CHECKED OUT MY PROFILE. Like...what? Then I got two IM invites (I'm on a free account, so I can't answer). One was from a guy who didn't view my profile...weird. Another was from a guy in Tennasee. I'm in Washington State. Also, I have apparently sent smile/wink/nudges to people whose profiles I did NOT view. So, hacking my account? Yeah...I'm not hurrying to pay yet and I don't intend to. I did see several HOT (and I mean personal trainer, literally, HOT) guys who fit my profile. I smiled at 28 out of 301 guys I checked - again, that No Kids Clause of mine. Anywhere you go there will be idiot men (or women, maybe, I wouldn't know) who can't or won't or don't know how to fill out a site properly. Others go a little too far and they look like an idiot and turn people off. I swear there were at least two women in the searches I did. Again...what? YES, this site let's you SEARCH! And use 'advanced search', too! There were WAY more people in my area, within 100 miles, but you can expand or restrict that better also. I've had one guy who I'd be interested in wink back at me. I don't bother much with it anymore.

ooc, friends, reccs, personal, shout-outs, other stuff

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