Fitness, etc.

Jan 22, 2013 19:43

For those who are interested, I've recently switched from the community college nursing program to their criminal justice program. I know some of the state trooper's physical requirements for the testing (which is different from the police academy, which is what I'm doing). I have to kind of haul ass and get in serious shape, not that I consider myself 'out' of shape, I just can't run a mile and a half at the drop of a hat right now. Not yet, anyway.

I thought I'd post the requirements so I (and anyone else) can keep track and in case I need to reference it:

300 meter run in 56-71 seconds
Push ups, 31-35 (no locked elbows, each depression enough to compress a 4" foam cube beneath me)
Sit-ups 30-38 (as many as I can do in a minute, fingers interlocked behind head at all times)
1.5 mile run in 13:35-14:31.

What I did yesterday, in order:
  • I split the 1.5 mile run into halves of a mile (.5 each). I did 8:30, walking as a warm-up for .5 (I didn't intend to count it, but I ended up including it in my time because I hate warming up but I need to - shin splints. I hate working out, too, unless its swimming, so I was lazy and thought to conserve time). The second .5 for a total mile was 6:30 minutes, jogging at 4.7 mph after which I took a break but kept walking, like you're supposed to. The last .5 I ran in 5:30 at 5.4-7 mph, I think. My grand total was 20:30. For me, historically, that's my 'starter' time for a mile, but I included a warm-up/slow .5 mile. And that time was for a total of 1.5 mile. I need to shave it down at least five minutes and obviously can't take breaks. I think my best time for a mile was twelve-fourteen minutes.
  • 22 sit-ups in 51 seconds (no breaks)
  • 25 push-ups (the 'girly' version, with knees, two breaks)
  • I didn't remember the 300 meter run (I have to convert that to miles) so I didn't prep for it. I recall that being a sprint.
I'm hardly sore, most of it coming on as the day waxes. I took a shower, after I'd cooled down - otherwise I'll heat-stroke out. Granted, I think the testing happens in May, which is anywhere between 82-100+ degrees.

The question is: continue schooling, (finally) get a degree; get some schooling then test; or take school until I'm ready to take the physical test? I may want to move up later in my career, in which case the schooling would be helpful (psych and Spanish, ideally). I'd have to be on patrol anywhere from 2-8 years before testing for detective so I would have that time to school (though I really hate to juggle school and work which is why I never have). My summer job, the one that's been paying for college, is in the summer and 4 tens in the heat leaves no room for classes.

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