Just some pics

Nov 01, 2012 19:14

From an email I received from a person I think I regret still knowing who's on FaceBook. Don't own these.

^ Amen

^ Hilariously this sums up the person who sent it to me...I don't think he knows it...

^ For game_byrd! It reminded me of a chicken/rooster.

^ This nicely elaborates on my psychology post. For those of whom can't read this (myself included) as near as I can make out:

Left - I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathmematician. I catagorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic I know exactly who I am.

Right - I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint a blank canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense, I feel. I am everything I wanted to be.

^ It all makes sense now.

friends, personal, picture(s)

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