Title: Truth Is...
Characters: Sylar/Gabriel Gray (implied Peter Petrelli and Petlar)
Rating: PG (implied pre-slash/slash)
Word count: 375
Setting: Inside the Wall/S4
Summary: Sylar thinks about the facts of his life.
A/N: First person Sylar POV. Unbeta'd. Written for heroes_contest drabble #34 'Truth'
You want the truth?
Truth is, I like Peter. I want to be him, be like him, be his friend. Truth is, I murdered his low-life brother. Truth is, I think I did him a favor. Truth is, I suffer from envy and jealousy and greed and possessiveness. I suffer from lust.
Truth is, I suffer from anger. Peter the hero, who treats the rest of the world like its special, has treated me like I’m less than a stray dog. Truth is, he’d treat the dog better. Truth is, I never had a shot - he treated me like this before I killed his brother. Truth is, I’ll never amount to anything in his eyes. Truth is, trying otherwise is pointless - he’ll only laugh.
Truth is, I deserve to be punished. That’s what Peter’s here for.
Truth is, I think I really like Peter. I think I want him. Truth is, he’ll never be mine. But I can be his. His toy, his thing, his punching bag, his victim. I can belong to him. Truth is, it would be worth it. I want to belong. I’ve chosen well - he’s the best of the best. So why not? If only he’ll have me…
Truth is, I know him better than his brother did. Nathan raised him and protected him, but I know Peter better. Truth is, I want to know him inside and out. I want to know every detail so Peter can’t deny I can do something unique. So I can be special. So I can’t be discarded.
Truth is, I have to learn tricks to entertain people. Truth is, I need to learn this one to get what I want. Truth is, I’m not worth it unless I succeed.
Truth is, I want to be more. I want the help he offers. Truth is, I don’t deserve it. I don’t think I can change. Truth is, I’m not human; I’m a monster.
Truth is, I want him badly. I want him to be mine. I know it’s wrong, but I dream about it anyway. It’s my last mental fantasy before my mind implodes. Truth is, if I could feel love…I imagine it would feel something like this.
But the truth is…I can’t feel love.