SK Application

Jun 25, 2011 05:23

Player info
Your Name: Mew
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever:
Livejournal: ”sailor_x” sailor_x 
Your age: Over 15

Character info
Series/Fandom: Winx Club
Character's Name: Icy
Character's Sex: Female
Character's Age:
Canon point: Season one - After the Trix collected a portion of the dragon fire and were able to summon the army of decay.

Being a witch the bulk of her abilities reside in her magic. Along with the more generic hexes, curses and spells that all witches are capable of she is also able to cast her own unique spells derived (like her name) from Ice. Also using amulets called the Wisperian crystal along with Darcy and Stormy’s corresponding crystals she’s able to steal other people’s powers and utilize them to enhance her own. After stealing the dragon fire the three witches were able to summon the army of decay for their bidding… the drawback being you need all three crystals to be activated in unison. Since she is the only one here, although she has a portion of the dragon fire she won’t be able to unleash it’s full potential. The dragon fire itself had been created from the most powerful substance in the universe, starlight, and it’s always been sought by Icy’s coven.

Ice Coffin - This is Icy’s favorite attack. Employing it she can encase an enemy in a solid block of ice that looks eerily like a coffin.

Ice Bracelet - Ice circles the target and shrinks in size at Icy’s command slowly squeezing the life out of a person.

Ice wall - Forms a barrier. Primarily used to shield herself.

Ice Hail - A powerful attack that clears the way in front of her.

Ice portal - Casting this spell allows her to pass through obstacles such as locked doors or walls.

Blizzard - Using this spell she can summon a blizzard. It’s useful for obscuring opponents line of vision, chilling them, etc.

Icicle Fury - Sends a flurry of icey projectiles at the target.

Frozen Prism - Larger crystals are created and flung at opposition.

Ice Tower - Will freeze an entire row of objects or people unfortunate enough to be in the way of the spell.

Ice Crusher - This spell causes a giant block of ice to form. The base remains narrow so when the top portion reaches the desired weight the base collapses and whatever is in the large blocks way is crushed.

Chill Strike - This creates and ice blade that she can thrust into her opponent.

Icicle barrage - The name itself explains it all. Icicles appear and fly towards their intended target.

Pierce attack - Is much like Icicle barrage only the icicles are smaller.

Frostbite - This sends a large portion of ice careening to intercept a target.

Background:  Winx Wiki
Appearance: Witch Form:  Picture
                         Civilian Form: Picture

Icy is as frigid as her name implies. She’s malicious, vindictive, power hungry, and determined. She’ll stop at nothing to obtain her goals and desires which is nothing short of realm domination. Even a variety of setbacks, such as imprisonment, or being expelled from Cloud Tower (the school for witches), were unable to dissuade her. She likes being in charge, and is the leader of the Trix which consists of only Darcy, Stormy, and herself. She won’t hesitate to insult person or point out their flaws and honestly doesn’t care if she hurts anyone’s feelings. She particularly despises anyone who opposes her especially if they are successful, authority figures, and fairies in general. As for relationships, Icy primarily shows no interest in forming any sort of romantic affiliation and looks down on her fellow witches when they pay a member of the opposite sense excessive attention.

Another thing she can’t stand is anything cute which is why the Winx girls arranged it so a small purple duck would follow her around all the time.. Something she certainly did NOT appreciate. Icy is very opinionated and prides herself on being a real witch. When the witches from Cloud Tower join with the Aflea girls during the final invasion, Icey sees them as weak, pathetic, and thinks that they have forgotten how witches are supposed to be. She’s not above manipulating others to use in her schemes and is actually quite clever. On occasion she has difficulty controlling her temper, and can have a short fuse but not as short as Stormy’s.

Not surprisingly, Icey is not above lying to get what she wants. Her hobbies primarily revolve around launching schemes to make other people miserable, working to obtain even more power, and kicking puppies. Not much seems to rattle her, and she’s not the type to give into sulking or letting her thoughts be consumed with failure or her own shortcomings. She never cries nor gets too sentimental about anything.

Action/Journal Sample:

[The communicator feed starts, and a girl with an exceedingly long white ponytail, and dark makeup around her eyes looks directly into the screen. Technological devices like this were common in the realms she was familiar with]

So which one of you losers wants to be the first to tell me what’s going on here?

[The girl didn’t seem to care how rudely she’d asked the question. All she knew is that she’d been drug here against her will and SOMEONE had better be ready to talk]

I’m waiting, and I don’t have any patience to spare.. So make it snappy or Ill turn every single one of you into toads.

RP Sample:

“No!” A perturbed sounding female shouted her eyes flickering with malice. “Not now! Not when I was so close! Rrrrrr!”. Balling her fists together she flung her arms downward and swiftly uncurled her fingers, sparks of a silvery blue energy scattered around her coating the nearby ground in a sheet of ice. Her immediate thought was that somehow those cowering at Alfea had managed to combine their powers in order to teleport her to another realm. She could just see that smug look an Miss Griffin’s face. Just the thought of that miserable coward hiding amongst all those pixies and the “heroes” from Red Fountain made her blood boil further. .and she dared to call herself a witch. This pathetic attempt to save themselves wouldn’t be enough, not now that her coven held the power of the dragonfire. “You’re only delaying the inevitable. “. Focusing her energy she attempted, and failed to return back to the battlefield. After several more attempts she was forced to resign herself to the current situation.

Tightly folding her arms together she called,” Darcy! Stormy! Regroup, now!”. She waited a few minutes tapping her foot impatiently waiting for the other witches to heed her command, her already stretched patience threatened to completely dissolve once again. They were however not to come. Icy huffed finally dropping her arms to her sides and giving up on just standing there. Taking stock of the area she spat,“Just get a load of this dump..” It wasn’t a place she recognized, and it looked completely outdated, and primitive by modern standards. Still, she’d have to admit the gloomy looking atmosphere had a certain appeal to it.

The army of decay had been summoned, and the march on Alfea had already commenced.. Any minute now the takeover would be complete and she wasn’t there to witness it for herself. She’d make them all suffer for forcing her to miss their triumphant return to Magix. Not that she hadn’t been planning on making them suffer before. Striding forward she was soon stopped by a peculiar looking creature with a puff ball attached to it’s head by an antennae. She grimaced at the visage,” This thing might be even worse that that infernal duck..”.

“W-welcome to Traverse town,” The moogle stammered trying to offer her an assortment of items.

“You picked the wrong witch to mess with,” Icy narrowed her eyes, outstretched an arm and pointed a finger at the disgustingly cute creature. If it was anything she despised it was .. Cute. “How about I turn you into a solid block of ice..”. Her lips curving upwards she almost laughed.

“Kupo! Kupo! I-- these things are for you!” It quickly explained keen on remaining as it was.


!sk, !app

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