Jan 23, 2005 22:51
so yeah this weekends was just tons of fun. Just an incredible amount of fun. Ok, not really. almost all i did this weekend was work. To start off, we actually had class on friday even though we usually don't because of the missed day last monday for MLKJ's b-day. but i'm sure i brought this up already. so saturday(yesterday) was a real blast. So it was one of my days to go in the film building and record in one of the sound studios. I was pretty much done with recording the sound effects I needed, so i didn't expect to be there much longer. But oh was i there a little longer. So one of the sound effects i was thinking of was getting the door to slam shut. I was in the actual studio and the person helping me, Dionne, was in the sound booth. So i went over to help her set up what i wanted to happen. so she tried slaming the door as a practice run to see what it sounded like. it sounded pretty good but what happened after that wasen't so good. So i told Dionee that it sounded good and went to try to open the door. I turn the knob but when i tried to pull the door next, it wouldn't budge at all. I tried a few more times and still nothing. We were freaking locked in. We tried messing with the lock and still nothing. So luckily after 10 minutes of trying to open the door and Dionne starting to get pretty worried because she is claustraphobic, Danielle comes into the studio room next to the booth and sees us through the windo trying to open the door. At first danielle thought we were trying to do a sound effect. But then we made it pretty clear that we couldn't open the door. So she went to get people at the cage, which is where all the equipment for the building is held. First one of the workers came back with a key, then a manager. they both couldnb't get the door open. So they went to get two security guards. They couldn't figure out anything to do. So they call the freaking fire department. lol. since we were in the sound booth, we couldn't hear much of what was being said outside the room. only very low versions of parts of the things people outside were saying. We heard, "....fire department....here..." Dionne was like "are they actually calling the fire department." so a few minutes later we hear a fire engine's siren from outside the building. And then we see a few people come into the studio including some of the fire fighters. They told us to stand away from the door. They first tried to hit the lock out of place. that loosened it a lot but still get the problem fixed. so then they got an axe out and started to hack at the molding of the door frame because the actual door was metal with very thick sound padding. so after like 30 seconds of doing that the door opens and Dionne gets out as soon as she can. lol so there were parts of the door frame all over the floor. So Dionne and I both took parts of the doorframe as souviners. She said she was going to hang it up in her room or something. lol. but yeah that was pretty intresting. I still got a few sounds and a intresting time that i won't forget.
Today wasen't as intresting. but i still did a lot of work. This morning i thought i had to go to the same building at 10 so that some people from my lighting and field class and i could do a project. turns up that on sundays, no one can sign equipment until 12. So i call up one of the guys in my group and he said that he tried to call me yesterday and tell me about today. i told him that i prolly had my phone off for a while and that's why i didn't get his call. So i came back at 12. When i showed up the other kid in my group was there waiting. He said Alex, who was the kid that i called first, didn't show up yet. So we waited a while for him. we got all of our stuff and then figured out that no one had a freaking DVCPRO tape that we needed. So we couldn't shoot. So after figuring we couldn't do much, the kid that was waiting before said he had to get going. So, Alex thought that we should just ask another group that was there if we could tag onto their group and help out. they already had 6 people. they said sure which was a big relief since the project is due tomorrow. So it was pretty cool. we had to take a talent (an actor) and light their face so that we could create a depth of field with them and the background behind them. So when it got to be my turn to set up the camera, lights and talent i didn't really know where to put everything. So i was like "put that here, that here, that over there, etc... i was like "this is going to take forever to get set up." We got everything where i said to put it, turned on the lights and ... Blam!!! everything was perfect. We only needed to turn one of the lights less then an inch. While all of the other set-ups took like 10-15 minutes, mine took like 5 minutes at the most.
By this time though i was already late to my recording session for today. So right after i did my turn of the camerea set up i said i had to get the sound studio and work on another project. so the rest of the people that were still there said it was cool and i rushed into the studio that yesterday i got stuck in. ok i just realized that this entry is way too freking long. so i'll get to the point. I eneded up going over my scheduled time and getting fined. so that sucks. so that is going to go on my bill thingy. I'll just have to tell my father that i had to stay over my time. i think he'll understand though. so i'm done for today's entry.