Jan 18, 2005 23:29
so my session today at the recording studio blew major donkey balls. I'm at one of the academic halls with danielle. she wanted to use my firewire drive to save her project on the drive and then on a cd she has to be safe. So yeah my session today. It sucked. I had the session the mozart studio today which is one of the 2 studios I had to use for my sound effects project that is due on tuesday. For anyone who dosen't know, which is mostly everyone, the mozart room has been acting funny this quarter. It has beeen screwing up and weird stuff. So i ended up not being able to record a single sound effect today which also equaled no session for today either. So to clear things up by saying session i mean 1 whole time in the studio recording sounds. i needed four of them for the whole project. Two in the mozart studio, which is the one i have been having problems with, and two sessions in the other studio which is called the Advanced Sound 3 studio. So in the begining of the quarter, all the students in my class got to schedule block times for when to come in and work on the project in the mozart room. So i signed up for 5:30-8:30 pm on tuesdays. Hense the problem. I have no more tiome in the mozart room since it is due next tuesday. So i am thinking of e-mailing my professor tonight and asking him if i can replace one of the sessions in the mozart room with a session in the avanced three room. I think as long as i have 4 times in general, it should be good. And plus I know at least 2 people in the class will have like 2 sessions in all. So i will still have 4, it's just that 1 one of them will be 1 more in the other room. I think the main focus is the sound effects anyways. All i needed was 20 sound effects anyways. At this point i have 21. By the time i am sone with this whole thing i was hoping for at least 30-40 so i can pick the best 20 and use those for the actual project. I still have work to do tonight. The only reason why I'm not doing it right niow is because I am waiting for danielle to get done with her project so she can save it on my firewire. then we need to go to another academic hall and work on my projects real fast before it gets too late. i don't think my projects will take too long but waiting here this late still gets me antzy. I just know that i am going to be dead tomorrow because I am going to be so tired. This work i still have to do is due at 9 in the morning. Wish me luck. Other then that, I am in a pretty good mood today. I did a lot of work, even though a lot of it fell through. So i am somewhere between feeling let down and accomplished. I can't make a decision on where i am. I guess I will know where i am depending on what time i get to sleep tonight. I just really hope danielle gets done soon. Well i will write more later. Goodnite everyone.