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Feb 03, 2005 22:27

its amazing. what a little constructive criticism about one of my films can do. i felt like crap about my work i didnt even know why i was in film school. i felt like my ideas were crap i couldnt edit. i couldnt shoot. i couldnt write. and it had been like that since the 2nd week of school maybe. so thats a long time to just feel like you were breezing by on the seat of your pants and doing alright. but my production teacher wrote me almost a 2 page letter on something i handed in. about how im funny and i have great ideas i just let something small get in my way and if i didnt let that get in my way i could make really great films. and how he wants me to apply myself to my project this quarter cause he really wants to see what i can do. and i dont really know if i ever had someone have that much confidence in me. he told me the ideas i have are funny. im still debating on school for next year but yeah i really wanted to write this down somewhere that today was the day i got excited about filmmaking again. fuck the people at my school who cares if they are lame. im there to make good films. its crazy to me that like it took me this long to remeber it. i guess somewhere between caring to much about work and caring to much about trying to make friends i lost sight of making films and god im so in love with it again. and no one cares but oh well skip my entry this is for me. i dont really know what im saying but some words a teacher told me made me really excited today. thats the long and short of it.
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