Oscar's going to be Abby Cadcrabby about this!

Aug 14, 2006 17:02

Good God, they've added a Mary Sue to the cast of Sesame Street. I just know that some fourteen-year-old fanfiction 'author' is going to sue them for ripping off her character, changing the name from Esmerelllda Priscilla Emerald Ruby Diamond Rose Baggins Potter Sparrow Ravenfeathers to Abby Cadabby, which is almost as bad.

Went to the dentist on Friday and suddenly have huge, bulbous, painful lump at the back of gums. Could be either a sinister oral ulser from poor hygiene on the dentist's part or an unfortunately timed emerging of the dreaded wisdom teeth. Only time will tell.

In other news, don't forget to participate in my Six Degrees of Awesomnity competition, which I will be pimping out in a vulgar and cringe-worthy way, much like the way my aunt is pimping out her dog (yes, I know) as breeding stock. Who knew that guest appearances of Dr Harry Cooper at small town shopping malls could be a breeding ground (no pun intended) for canine prostitution? Anyway, tell your friends; I'm determined to make this a big long list of celebrity connections, mostly because I have no interests, hobbies or life.

In that vein, I recently had a minor revelation, resulting in a rather intriguing idea that is currently brewing rather cautiously in the recesses of my mind. I may eventually let you all in on it, but first I want to run it past a few neutral parties and iron out some of the more technical details.

For now I'm going to wile away the few hours until Grey's Anatomy. I swear, that show is like heroin.

ETA: HOLY SHIT, that was good. There is a reason that I cannot miss this show, like, ever.
ETA2: Found at TWoP - From the writer. Note: Be very very very careful on that site. It is like spoiler city over there. I had to avert my eyes and do some very careful guesswork to find those pages so you'd better be grateful, bitches.

tv whore, woe, randomness

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