Mar 27, 2003 12:27
i don't understand why i'm so fucking imcompetant. i can't even spell incompetant anymore, i'm so far past the point of functioning. iwas almost caught up. i nearly managed to do it. but no i have this fucking metamorphesis to do and i don't know how to spell metamorphises either, and the progrma hates me, i don't know how to use it, i don't have a good idea for it, its already like a week late, no one knows how to help me cause no one else knows how to use the program either and i'm going to fail everything and not pass my senior year and be stuck here for ever and be stuck in this whirlwind of feeling like i can never do naything right ever and like its all just going wrong and i have to wrok today cause i'm poor and i need to stay after for photo cause i have to get this fucking thing done and its never gonna get done and i have rugby tonight and everyone's just gonna be really bitchy again and i fought with puglia about prom today and i'm so fucking sick of everything just explodng at once, why can't things just slow down for a bit and not be insane? why can't i only be floundering in one spot of my life instead of everywhere? kyle said somebody called and said i had applied for a job so maybe i'll at least get a job so i can stop spending my lunch money on gas but if i get a job when hte hell am i gonna have time to do my homework, maybe it'll be at a place thats slow enough that i can do my homework there cause god knows i don't understnad physics or chemistry either, today mrs labelle wasn't here and she left us this packet with 87 equations we had to balance and we didn't know how to do like half of it and the sub didn't know what to tell us cause what's she supposed to say when 2 separate classes say, sorry we can't do the work she left for us, she never taught it to us. i'm tired of having shitty teachers and having things go wrong and being constantly on the verge of tears and feeling like i'm constantly fighting back hysteria, and i just want to leave here and not have to deal with all of this shit anymore and not be floundering in every single thing i try to do. why is it that nothing is ever good enough?