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Jun 02, 2004 16:38

alright so back to last night... we go film at alyssa's house. at first i was wayy hyper like my usual self. so we film and i have to be in a bad mood in the film, so that pits me in a bad mood. then i call my cool bf and hes at some girls house. so we got in a little fight. and hes prob gonna read this shit and then i will feel like a dumbass. anways. ohhhh ya side note: anna was hard core making fun of me and my journal. shes like why would u write about your life for eveyone else to read. so im trying to convince her that lj's are the tightest things. but she wasnt havin it. so if any fucks are gonna post about how gay i am for writing in a lj ( i was once a hater too) then dont bother cuz you are a lame ass that isnt open to any new things that are for cool people and your missing out. ANNNNNYYWAAAYS. so corey is being a fag on the phone and so then i was realllly sad. then i had to cry in the scene we were shootint, so i ut in saline drops to help the tears come. ya but i dont think your supposed to put laot of this shit in cuz my face started to get all red from wear it was tearing. and my eyes were burning. then i pushed alyssas litlle ugly cat off the bed. ya she FREAKS OUT and starts beating me, but i was too depressed to hit back so i just took it. thennn the night got good. after bill elaves, i decide to moke out my sorrows. so me and alyssa hit the roof top up. everything got reeeally funny. let me tell u. alyssa does this impression of johnny (1st name basis), with glasses and a pen in her mouth. hoolllly shit, funniest thing ever. but it was really prob only funny to us. ya then like 587435757457 million funny things happend.

this is mainly for layssa cuz nobody else will understand:

-washign our faces, has never been such an experience. it took like 20 mintues serisouly.
-u are normally the one in control of us, but for some reason everytime i looked for your for guidance, you just couldnt help me, so we just lauged
-get in a fight wiht corey, while u sit ont he bed, by urself doing nothing.
-downstairs i make some gross pizza while u invite ppl over, and then tell them in real life you would invite them over i was rolling (SARAH: ROFLing).
-your dad got pissed, i was SCURRED.
-then we try to go to bed but u saw dancing bears and i kept saying how happy we were.

man good ass times. i love y lyss. we need a night liek that again.

sooo then we filmed today, bill bought us lunch at la torta (THANKS BILL) and now im going to see corey.

and im very happy...
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