TITLE: Freefall
EMAIL ADDRESS: meana_fic@yahoo.ca
FOCUS: Now that would give it away. ;)
STATUS: new (25/02/03), complete
DISCLAIMER: This never happened.
SUMMARY: Realisations and flying free.
ARCHIVE: Will be given at the end.
AUTHOR' NOTES: This is my second attempt at RPS (I never even planned to write a first one) and it just seemed to flow from as I wrote it within a two hour time period while I was at work. *bad Meana, no biscuit* I knew right from the beginning who I would be writing about, but the idea of not mentioning names until the end, and then only mentioning them once, came to me shortly after I started typing-and the idea stuck.
THANKS TO: My beta-readers Mandalyn and Mercedes.
It didn't sneak up on him gradually over time, slowly filling him with the knowledge of what was happening. Instead it came raging towards him, landing on top of him like a ten-ton elephant.
He was in love with his best friend.
Unfortunately, or perhaps not so unfortunately, he was in said best friend's living room, listening to him talk. Even years later he couldn't remember what they'd been discussing so intently when his revelation occurred. Noticing his preoccupation his friend asked him what was wrong, and still stunned by his realization he'd answered without thinking.
"I was just thinking about the fact that I'm in love with you."
There was silence. Then what he'd just said caught up to him. He whipped his head around to look at his friend and opened his mouth to speak. He closed it almost immediately because he couldn't think of a word to say. Eyes wide as though he was a deer caught in the high beams that were his best friend's eyes, he sat, unable to tear his gaze away. Confusion filled his mind as he watched a smile light up his friend's face.
"I know," was all he heard. Confusion crossed over into bewilderment.
"You know," he whispered, staring at his friend with brows furrowed in confusion.
"Yes," his friend answered, standing up and walking towards him. "I know, and I feel the same."
He froze in shock upon hearing the words, and then shook his head violently from side to side. No! He couldn't have heard right. He and love just didn't mix. His failed marriages could attest to that.
"No," he whispered. "You can't."
Hands came down upon the arms of the chair in which he sat, trapping him in place. "I can, and I do," was the equally soft reply. "I understand your hesitance. I have felt the same way for a while, ignoring these feelings, but I will not allow that to interfere in the hopes of the future. Will you take the jump with me?"
He gazed up into intense blue eyes and started searching their depths. He didn't know what he was looking for, but suddenly he found it. Trembling violently he brought his hands up to caress his friend's face. Shakily he smiled and received a brilliant one in response. Slowly, almost as if afraid that the other would bolt, they moved their faces closer together. The kiss was soft at first, a gentle exploration of mouths, but gradually it became stronger, fiercer, a desire from each to lay claim to the ownership of the other. They pulled back, breathing hard, and gazed at one another in wonder.
"Sean," his friend breathed his name in amazement. And then they were kissing again.
"Viggo," Sean moaned as lips moved to learn the taste of his throat.
He smiled as his doubts dissipated in defeat, and he fell free knowing that his best friend and love would be there to catch him.
The End
Well? What did you think? Did I have you guessing up till the end, or did you figure it out at the beginning? Inquiring minds would like to know.
ARCHIVE: RugbyTackle and Green Opals otherwise ask, I'll probably say yes. May someday go on my own fiction site (
http://www.angelfire.com/tv/fanfiction/index.html), but I don't know if I'll ever put RPS up on it.