Heck, I never used to even read RPS, but then I started reading some Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen stories, and now I'm hooked on that pairing. *shakes head sadly* What is this world coming to?
Anyways, today I had this little tidbit of a story idea pop into my head. I have no idea if it will go any further, but you never know.
Title: Untitled
Rating: Unknown
Pairing: SB/VM
Summary: The kids come to visit.
Sean stared at the phone and barely kept himself from groaning out loud. He was not ready for this. A sound from the door caught his attention.
"What's wrong?" Viggo asked, stepping into the room. Sean shook his head in response, unable to articulate the problem. Concerned Viggo stepped closer until he could touch the younger man. He was startled when Sean nearly flinched away from him.
"Sorry," the Brit murmured before moving to rest his forehead against Viggo's chest. Viggo wrapped his arms tightly around Sean in response to the other man's palpable distress. "That was my ex. She's bringing the kids to visit." He looked up at Viggo with obvious worry. "What do I tell them?" At Viggo's confused look he continued, "About us. What do I tell them about us?"