Jan 27, 2010 20:04
[The vid begins with Raph staring into the journal with a glazed expression on his face. Behind him, the inner-workings of Good Spirits bar is bustling in the background. And then, he cracks a wide, feral grin.]
[If the stupid grin and hysterical laughter haven't cued you in yet, Raph toasting a beer to the camera will tip you off to the reason behind his suddenly good mood.]
Me and Mikey are freakin' pirates! ARRRR!
[In the background you can see Michelangelo "Arrr" right along with him before crowding Raph out of the view of the screen. He's also grinning wildly, eyes not quite focused.]
Some chick needs to throw on a corset and sit on my lap!
[The message ends with more rowdy laughter and some screeching from the background that's probably Mikey.]
[OOC: Be prepared for threadjacking galore, peoples]
underaged drinking is baaaad!,
+sonic (sat am),
i don't think this counts as a job raph,
don't tell leo,
*frederic chopin,
pirates! arrrrr~,