I logged in intending to make an actual post, but I have a 12 hour work day tomorrow and entirely too many thoughts in my head to attempt coherency. So I'm posting spammy goodness, via Kris and Dan!
Your Expression Number is 6
You have an outstanding sense of responsibility, love, and balance.
You are helpful and inclined to comfort those in need.
You have many artistic and creative talents, but you only use them to better others.
You are loving, friendly, and appreciative of others.
You have a depth of understanding that produces much kindness and generosity.
Openness and honesty are apparent in your approach to all relationships.
Sometimes, you can be too demanding of yourself.
At times, you tend to sacrifice yourself for the welfare of others.
At other times, you have trouble distinguishing between helping and interfering.
What's Your Expression Number? Also, thought some of you would enjoy these:
http://shirt.woot.com/Friends.aspx?k=6916 - Especially delicious (HA! See what I did there!) because it is a parody of a Norman Rockwell work:
http://www.granitegrok.com/pix/gossip.jpg I would normally text link these, but I am sleeeeeeeeeeeepy girl. Nighty night!