Мири Масика "Ахшав ата хозер бе хазара" ((עכשיו אתה חוזר בחזרה

Jun 03, 2007 07:25

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Эта песня уже больше месяца держится на первом месте в хит-параде "Радио гимель" - канале израильской музыки. Меня очень зацепила, даже захотелось перевести. Почему-то на английский оказалось легче - конечно, это не стихи вышли, но дает представление о смысле.

Angry? Just a bit, but I understood
that not in purpose you disappeared for good.
It's just that so much happened
and you would never come to check,
and now you are saying: "I am back"...

Neither sad I. Oh, you're so smart,
at least from this I've taken better part:
at last I've sold my house
and moved for good to rented shack,
and now you are saying: "I am back".

But still - at least you could have called
and I would answer, we would talk,
without even giving damn
that hands are turning 'round the clock.
I used to think for years
that I commited something bad...
And now you are saying: "I am back".

(Там еще три куплета, но у меня не хватило вдохновения :))

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