Warning: Profanity Ahead. The Shado Lexicon

Mar 27, 2012 20:17

Someday, I'm going to be on Inside the Actor's Studio, and James Lipton is going to ask me what my favorite curse word is.

Some of you already know the answer to this. Some of you may have a good idea. But let me spell it out and make it clear. My favorite curse word is "Fuck." It is highly versatile.

So to help you, my friends and family, better comprehend the Shado, I present you with the following Fucktionary.
  • Fuck - an all purpose expression. Exact meaning determined by Tone and Context. May be positive or negative. See 'Smurf'
  • Holy Fuck - (interjection) an exclamation of surprise or startlement.
  • Jesus Fuck - (interjection) a statement of exasperation or disappointment.
  • Mother Fuck - (interjection) a declaration of anger.
  • Shit Fuck - (interjection) A multi-purpose exclamation often used to relieve tension. Frequently used to express displeasure, disbelieve or discontent.
  • Fucktastic - (adjective) Odd. Remarkable. Grotesque. Incredibly Great or Extreme. Often used in the ironic.
  • Ass Fuck - (adjective) an expression of discomfort or pain. Usually meant in a social context, but may be used in a physical context as well. 
  • Fucknut - (noun) An expression of endearment used between friends.
  • Fuck Off - (verb phrase) 1. An expression of impatience. 2. Go away.
  • Fucktard - (noun) A person or object of annoyance. Derogatory.
  • Fuckhead - (noun) A person who demonstrates a lack of intelligence or common sense. Derogatory. Perhaps oddly, this is more of an insult than Fucktard.
  • Give a Fuck - (idiom) to have a stake in the outcome of a situation. a statement of concern.
  • Fuck Me Running - (idiom) a statement of disbelief or skepticism.
  • Flying Fuck - (idiom) Rat's Ass.
  • Cluster Fuck - (idiom) a non-optimal situation. Oten, but not always, the result of Fucktards or Fuckheads.
  • Mind Fuck - (noun) 1. A situation or event that causes a radical change of opinion or thinking. 2. (verb) An attempt to psychologically challenge or unbalance a person.
  • What the Fuck - (idiom) Interrogative exclamation expressing startlement,surprise, or disbelief.
  • TaxFuck - (verb) April 15th.
  • Mother Fucking Bees - (noun) a pollen-gathering, honey-producing, rage-inducing, air-mobile member of the arthropoda phylum armed with a deadly harpoon on their ass. Mother Fucking Bees are evil and should not be trusted.

Any Questions?

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