10/3/08 - Congress passes the 'Bailout Bill'
10/03/08 10/06/08 10/07/08 10/08/08 10/09/08
DOW -1.50% -3.58% -5.11% -2.00% -7.30%
S&P -1.35% -3.85% -5.71% -1.13% -7.62%
NASDAQ -1.48% -4.34% -5.80% -0.83% -5.47%
Every Major Market Index in the U.S. has done DOWN every day since the bailout plan was passed. I realize that the money is not actually in-use yet, but that sends a pretty strong signal to me that the market doesn't think it's going to work.
- 09/24/08: Federal Reserve Bank loans AIG 85 Billion dollars to help stabilize liquidity.
- 10/08/08: Federal Reserve Bank loans AIG another 37.8 Billion. Coz when you loan somebody money once, and they don't pay you back, you always loan them money a second time...
So. Yeah.