Jul 05, 2004 23:14
Today was my first day of work. Done and dunne. It wasn't bad. I'm up in the warehouse most of the day but for an hour I get to do bag check, which is nice cuz I can people-watch. And it's really more fun than it sounds. Other than that I just move boxes and price books. That Italian lady is still moving stuff in for the third day. I really can't believe she's trying to fit this much shit into our apartment. It's ridiculous, and they've pissed me off, by jerking Barbeque around. Her and her boyfriend are getting him to help with the boxes and all the crap and they keep saying, oh we'll be here later, we'll give you money later. It's fucking stupid. One plus side is that she does silkscreening, and I've seen the screens, they're really detailed. She's going to teach us. I have a few ideas floating around. I was involved in a screaming contest the other night when a black guy thought that I shouldn't live here because I'm white. He kept saying "swing at me so I can murder you right here." He fucking followed me from the liquor store to the corner store. I was ready to crack his skull with a bottle, but he left. It's really the one and only time I've been fucked with here, other than people breaking in the line at the store and muttering something about crackers. I don't even think they sell crackers at that store. Another good thing about work is that I'm right at Union Square so I get to go there on break and lunch and watch all the people do their stupid things. Girls thinking it's the beach and coming out there in bikini-tops, street kids playing frisbee, people protesting something or nother, and anything else. There's also a movie theater right there, which is good; they had a huge block long line outside it when i got off work today. I wonder what that was for, it can't be Spiderman 2. Who knows? Chuck Scarborough is the most pretentious name for today. That is all. I want to get the picture of me beaten up (below) tattooed on my chest. Just outline maybe. I don't want color I know that much.