(no subject)

Jan 12, 2006 17:40

:-( <-- A picture may be worth 1,000 words, but even 1,000,000 words can't truly capture a feeling...

So much has happened lately, but then again it feels like the same old days. The most recent out-of-the-ordinary event in my life is mononucleosis. They told me I didn't have it but then changed their minds. Well, not really, but the next day more accurate results came back and they proved positive. So I'm out of basketball for the rest of the season, which makes me soooo sad/mad/frustrated for lack of more descriptive adjectives. I've been dribbling and shooting around some, but it's definitely not the same. I try and act happy, laugh, and cheer on my teammates at practice and the games, but it's almost all an act. I'm hoping that about a month of being inactive will only give me more motivation to run and try my hardest come this year's track season. The only good part of mono is that I can come to school late, leave early, take naps in the middle, and relax a lot more. Too bad other minor occurrences sometimes keep my from relaxing.... I won't get into detail on that though for a number of reasons. Stupid, sorta serious, sorta small, somewhat stressful stuff. That's as into it as I'm getting, haha. I'm not the emotional type so even if this doesn't pass by within the next week, it won't bother me too much. And besides, even if I don't have a good few days, weeks, or even months, I still have a good life. I'm not getting into all my blessing and such, but I will not complain about such trivial matters. In my fifteen, soon sixteen, long years of life (haha), I have found that optimism will help any situation. It's like an umbrella. You'll have your fair share of drizzles, rain, snow, and even storms. Sure, the umbrella may only cover your head, the wind may cause you to lose it sometimes, or it can become a little disfigured. But at least it helps somewhat, and without it there's not even a chance of staying dry. (Unless you have a house, tent, hood, etc., but that ruins the analogy and anyway it's like you're out of the precipitation (aka troubles) with any of those, so yea no arguments, please.) ANYWHO... other than all that, my life is pretty bland. Still lost touch with some friends, but came a tad closer to other people. Decent grades (end of semester tomorrow, woohoo!!). Practicing most of the same songs on guitar, which is slowly comin along. Hanging out with Phil (whose name is now almost synonymous with the word "mono" which got really old, really fast, btw. Oh, and to clarify, I didn't get "the kissing disease" from him because he got tested to see if he has/had it and it said no, he never had it so HA to anyone that teased me). Well I should eat/shower/study/read... That felt good to get some stuff written down. Not like I"m going to start keeping a diary or anything, haha, but it felt good nonetheless.
~Random fact: When your face blushes, the lining of your stomach turns red, too.
~Random thought: (From a book-) We can all learn from the weather. It never listens to criticism, no matter how much it gets.
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