Aug 31, 2005 18:00
I haven't updated in a while. I guess I have been quite busy with school and volleyball and all. Volleyball is decent. I hate Steben (or Stebs, as Rachel says haha) and I still don't like volleyball, but games are alright. We won against Newark which was good and were 1-2 in the tourney. I went to the football game on Fri. where EVERYone was, even though it was away, but I'm not sure how many I'll go to later on in the season. Hopefully a lot. The weekend was thaumaturgic, even though I don't remember much of it. School is stupid but isn't it always? Even though I have been so busy, most of it is unimportant stuff. Like useless trivia. That's very redundant. Because trivia is useless facts anyway, at least according to Crouch. I actually like him except for the whole smelling disgusting thing. And he keeps my attention more than most teachers which is quite hard. Maybe it's because I like science more? Nahhh, I think it's because he tells stories and makes jokes and stuff, but I don't know. ANYWHO, I'm bored and should go babysit David while my parents are at open house...
~Random Fact #1: About 80% of New Orleans is underwater from Hurricane Katrina.
~Random Fact #2: The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene. That could come in handy. I could get a koala to do the dirty work for me...
~Random thought(s): I shall try linking these random topics together: food, gym, sit-ups, driving, guitar, the weekend, school, TV, randomness. Let's see how this works...
I just ate a ton of chili and "corn cake" (don't ask) and yogurt yet I'm still hungry. Maybe I'll go eat, like usual. Speaking of eating, I wonder what my fat percentage is according to that claw thingy in gym. I think that's SO stupid that they have to see our weight and body fat and stuff. They aren't our doctors and are making girls depressed and stuff, all so they can "make us more fit"? Psh. Also in gym I get to take a sit-up test either tomorrow or the next day. That's because I missed 1st period while I was getting my PERMIT. That's right, folks- Megan is now on the road!! I hope I'll be good. I also hope I'll be good at guitar, which I should be practicing right now and will do so soon enough. Although I'm a tad sick of practice of any kind, seeing as how I do so much of it, like at VB. And I have a volleyball tournament on Saturday (half my weekend) at Great Lakes that will take allll day, which I am most definitely dreading. Just like I dreaded going back to school. Some people (like my cousin) still haven't gone back yet. No fair! That's so dumb. Y'know what else is dumb? The fairly odd parents is one of the dumbest shows I have ever seen, and that's saying something. Speaking of saying something, I just want to say one thing.......... ONE THING. :-p