cheating on livejournal

Jan 08, 2010 11:23

i am at my wits’ fucking end. the inability of EVERYONE ON MY FB FRIENDS LIST TO FUCKING SPELL is really starting to get to me.

well, no, it’s not always my friends, most of the time it’s THEIR friends. and i can’t make a snarky little comment to someone i don’t know!!!

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. not being able to spell is a huge fucking deal. people shrug it off all the time. “Oh i just can’t spell. nbd.” NO IT IS A BD!!! not being able to spell shows that you don’t know your own native fucking language.

i mean, i guess it’s not your fault. they don’t teach grammar well in most schools, so maybe they didn’t teach spelling well either. i was always a voracious reader so i guess i just can’t relate.

you see, in french, you can’t get away with the “oh i just can’t spell, nbd.” you forget one accent and the whole sentence doesn’t make sense. i wonder if the french are better spellers. well, then again, they probably don’t have such a shit education system.

i think the base of the problem is that english speakers don’t give a shit. we don’t value education, we look down on educated people, we don’t fucking care - and we should!!! i’m not much of a stickler for grammar in conversation; it’s the changes and nuances in spoken grammar that keep a language from being dead. i can understand not understanding grammar. grammar is like algebra, it’s formulaic, it’s definitely a learned thing. i wouldn’t know shit about english grammar if i never took french. but without a definite spelling standard, i think our ability to communicate clearly on the page suffers.

and i’m not talking being able to spell four syllable words here. i’m talking about knowing the fucking difference between “now” and “know,” “their” “they’re” and “there,” being able to spell “embarrassed” without being fucking “embaressed” or spell “dieng” without making me want to fucking die.

i had a friend once who was trying to learn russian, and i sat there trying to explain russian’s six noun declensions to this kid who doesn’t understand the difference between two, to, and too. not being able to communicate in your own native language not only makes you look like a big fucking idiot, but it also cripples your ability to learn new languages.

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