Dec 04, 2005 18:43
Have I mentioned that I hate winter? Well, I do. I hate it being cold outside, and I hate snow. I hate the roads being bad, and I hate getting sick because Michigan doesn't know how to make up its mind when it comes to weather. If it could stay 65-70 degrees outside year round, I would be one happy girl. I suppose if it dropped into the 50's once in a while, I could wear my winter coat, so that would be good.....but none of this snow and freezing cold temperatures stuff.
This weekend was pretty lame. I did homework ALL weekend--no exaggeration. I have two exams on Tuesday--a zoology lab practical and a zoology lecture exam, so I've been studying for those. This coming weekend is going to be much worse though, since next week is finals week. Speaking of, I can't believe the semester is almost over!! I know that the whole time I couldn't wait for it to be done with, but now that it almost is, it seems like it went by pretty fast. I suppose it always happens like that though. One piece of news that is good news (besides the semester being almost over)--I can say with confidence that I really expect I should get a 4.0 this semester. I haven't gotten my grade back for my fourth organic chem exam yet, but setting that aside, I feel good about grades this semester.