Oct 26, 2010 21:25
I'm supposed to be at Uni between 9 and 5. That means I come back home around 5:30-6 PM, depending on whether I walk or take the bus. That also means I need to be in bed by 11:30 in order to get up at 8, drink coffee, make myself a sandwich and shlep back into school again.
That leaves me with about 6 hours for grocery shopping, making and eating dinner, keeping the house clean, and, oh yeah, trying to *relax* a little. Halloween season has started and all my favourite online games have some sort of spooky event (often with unique prizes that I won't be able to get all year) going on.
I have a lot of characters. In City of Heroes, I've rolled alts on several servers to keep up with the ideas forming in my head. In Guild Wars, I bought a boxed set of all four campaigns and used it to set up a second account.
There are so many things I could do that when I finally get some time to play, I find myself paralyzed by choice. Only four hours before bedtime. I have that mission to run. But what if it takes me a long time and is boring? Maybe I should go Trick-or-Treating with that one alt and get them a costume. No, ToTing is too difficult for relatively low levels. I could push my Praetorian alt! ...but she might be more fun to play next Issue, when we get free Fitness.
Time is ticking down. Now I only have three hours. I'll read the next chapter of Deathly Hallows and its review on Mark Reads Harry Potter. And then the comments. And now I have two hours. That's not enough to really get into something. Maybe I can still run that mission. No, let's see who's on in City of Heroes first. Just a few people. Hour and a half, and I was going to wash my hair today, I guess I'm not playing anything after all.
...I guess there's always tomorrow.