I'm done

Aug 02, 2006 23:53

I am. I'm done.

For all of you that have genuine sincere friends that you can trust and know that if you need them they'll be there for you in a second consider yourselves lucky. EXTREMLY lucky because i found out some extremly overwelming news that I dont really know how to cope with yet and I REALLY needed someone to talk to and I went through my phone book and out of the probably 200+ people in my cell phone not one person could I call that I knew would sincerely listen or give a shit or be even sober enough to just listen not talk but just listen and the saddest part is it was proabably 5pm and I dont know anyone that i knew would be sober. To me thats SO pathetic most of my friends honestly make me sad and i have been feeling bad for them for so long and just telling myself it's just "The phase" that almost all teenagers go through weither it be their "pot smoking" drugs, boyfriends, or thinking their too good for anyone but honestly i think a lot of you are pathetic. I'm sick of hearing about how "Mommy and daddy didnt buy me the school clothes i wanted or car" get a fucking job and stop bitching or "WHY IS EVERYONE DRY?" wheres the drugs? wheres the party at? wheres the guys i can suck their dicks or fuck them for some drugs or even a beer. COME THE FUCK ON!! grow up im sure A LOT of you are either not going to comment because you dont want "DRAMA" but this isnt drama this is my livejournal and i can say whatever the fuck i want in it. I'm SO sick of being little miss nice meagan and having people walk all over me. and im sure a lot of people are thinking It's highschool this is what we're supposed to be doing. you only live once. yeah thats true but scince when is fucking a guy so that he will care about you for 20 minutes or sucking someones dick for some blow part of being a teenager? Whatever I really dont care anymore my best friend is too fucking high or fucked up to EVER answer my phone calls or even return them for that matter. and my other best friend the only one who I know would be here for me if he could is in fucking seattle. and everyone else is doing god knows what. I havent seen anyone in weeks that have actually known me forever. im sure no one knew i was in colorado for a week or anything but i really dont give a fuck right now. even my own family and boyfriend point out to me how my friends walk all over me and treat me like a piece of shit but i always say i know i know im gonna talk to so and so and i never do i just pretend like nothing ever happened and go back to being little miss nice girl and im so fuking done with it. fuck you i dont care comment about how much of a bitch i am i DONT GIVE A FUCK im done with all of you. I doubt anyone will comment anyways but go for it you'd like.

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