Just tonight, a brand new twitterfriend asked me, “What is a dystopian novel?” I’m guessing that she read my bio on Twitter, which says I’m working on a dystopian novel, and was curious about the term. I answered her as best I could within 140 characters, but as I lay wide awake in bed trying to sleep, I kept thinking of everything I wanted to
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And oh my god. I am now so excited for TIW to be published, you have no idea. I completely agree with what you said about technology about the power to effect changing. It's a double edged sword because it puts us so perilously close to destruction or salvation that in the end it does come down to choice, and human history doesn't exactly have a track record of brilliant choices. I'm just thinking of some of my favourite scifi films- Gattaca, A.I, maybe even Inception and how they're all about humans making the same mistakes, trying to control things that shouldn't be controlled. And the repercussions happen on a grander scale because of advanced technology...
I think what scares me most about today's society is the level of indifference. We are inundated with information to the point that little is meaningfully retained, and knowledge, which you have to fight to earn, is really difficult to come by. With so many voices and opinions and choices and predictions out there it is so easy to become indifferent to it all, to recede into a cocoon. And in my most cynical, apocalyptical moments, I kind of see that as the reason why we'll never stop massive issues like climate change and I hate that. Oof this got a bit soap-boxy hope you don't mind. Again thanks again for this post :) You have no idea how much my brain is ticking over now!
Dystopian fiction IS soap-boxy. It's a writer saying "Here's what I think is wrong and here's what's going to happen if we don't fix it." We're that crazy guy on the sidewalk corner with a sandwich board and a scraggly beard. We just predict the apocalypse in a way that doesn't make people cross over to walk on the other side of the street.
Hopefully. >_>
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