Two of them.
Oscar and
Edgar (yes, he was indeed the Mr. Cranky kitten I fell in love with based on that picture Saturday night after a lot of rum punch and that cracked-out Clex mpreg songvid). I got them Tuesday. Edgar came home with an upper respiratory infection, and his eyes were all icky, but he seems to be almost completely over it. He spent pretty much all of Tuesday and Wednesday hiding under the futon, but he has decided to spend a large portion of today curled up on me. On my arm, on my chest, on my lap, on my shoulder, on my feet. And while he spent all of yesterday sleeping to the point I was concerned he could be considered lethargic (a bad thing given his ick), he became hell on wheels at around 6pm. He's just, like, solar-powered, storing energy up all day so he can go nuts once the sun goes down. Oscar has been spending a lot of time hiding as well, but he started coming out and tolerating being held yesterday afternoon. Right now, he's on the floor directly under my feet, not tucked back under the futon.
I'm hoping to get more pictures this weekend, but they've spent all of their time either hiding or on me, and I can't really take pictures of them in either place, so for now, their humane society profiles are their only pictures. But they're *adorable*. I think Oscar is going to grow up to bear a striking resemblance to
the original I Can Has Cheezburger kitty, and Edgar is already showing signs that Hunter is indeed back for a third round through my life, although Edgar is *all* black. No white spots on his chest/belly. Even his paw pads are black.
ETA: Le sigh. Of course, as soon as I posed that, Edgar's eyes got all gunked up again, and he started sneezing. He's been out playing throughout the day, though, and he has demonstrated that he adores the scratching pads, so he's like a five-year-old whose nose is still running, so his mom still wants to coddle him, but he *feels* better and wants to go out and *play*. At least now they're both curled up next to me instead of hiding.