Jul 24, 2004 20:57
I had a pretty busy day today. I went to the bank this morning and got gas for my car. Then I came home and mowed the lawn and raked it and that took forever. Now my hands have blisters on them and are all red.
I picked my mom up from work and told her I needed two white shirts for camp. I am making Tye-Dye shirts with the kids, and of course Matt wants one. We got home and Sheena came home and asked me to take Haley for the night. I went to North Conway to get the shirts with Haley and my mom. Now I am home watching Haley. Good thing she is sleeping.
I talked to Tim and Sean online. Sean said that J&H and Conor might come camping with us but Sean can't make it till Saturday. Now the list of people are Matt, Steph, Ally, Bobby, Jon(?), Heather(?), Sean, Steve, Conor(?), Tania, her friend, Sam(?), and me! We are going to have to car pool. So if one of you want to drop me and my car off at my house it is really close to where we are meeting, and if someone else wants they can leave their car at my house too. I figure we can all meet at Hannafords and can pick up some food for camping. I just found out yesterday that I have to be up at 4:30am for a whale watch on Friday, so Friday night I probably won't be very lively. I was going to try to get out of going on this field trip but I couldn't because two other staff cant go. I keep hearing horror stories about this trip and how the kids get sea sick and puke on themselves and others. It wont be the first time someone threw up on me or the last. I probably will be thrown up on again that night... huh girls. I am so excited, its less than a week now!