Face down in the dirt.

May 27, 2007 01:46

I'm in love with Jared Leto. And my boyfriend. And most importantly, Jesus. That's some randomness to start off with.

So tonight was very busy at work. I can blame my serious sinus infection on my wonderful cookout the other day. Why do I have to have allergies? Will all the fun in life come at some cost? Something to think about. I was rushing around like a mad woman and I don't even know why. I wanted to leave early but then again I didn't. Isn't it sad how we want to leave work but when we get the opportunity to leave, we find an excuse to stay 5 more minutes? Such is the case with myself, I cannot speak for the rest of the world. Oh well, it happens.

I have sneezed approximately 800,000 times today. That may or may not be a slight exaggeration... you decide. Jody came to see me tonight and brought me food for my little break. I love how he will sit in line at Mcd's for 20 minutes just to get food for me. I have the sweetest boyfriend on the planet. I am quite jealous of his tan though. Argh.

Speaking of tan. My Mom made the comment that she has never met anyone that can sit out in the sun for HOURS like I do (without sunscreen) and never burn or tan. Is there something wrong with me that I simply can't tan? I lay in the tanning bed and get nothing. I could lay four times in one week (don't hate on how unhealthy it is - studies show that laying in the tanning bed once every week will increase your vitamin d and boost your energy/mood... and it's not so unhealthy in small doses) and still be pale. Maybe i'm just doomed to always be the pale chick. Crap.

Okay so I am going to go lay in bed and stare at the ceiling as I attempt to figure out a trick to breathing. I hate being sick. I'm whiny and not a very good patient those few times I actually make a trip to the doctor. I hope everyone is well and having a fun weekend. :-)
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