final boarding call

Oct 08, 2013 16:02

Today I finally got the final season of Lost on DVD. I really can't say what has taken me so long to buy it, once upon a time I would rush out and buy each season the very morning they were released, but season six has been completely forgotten, my collection incomplete, for some unknown reason. This will be only the second time I've watched the ( Read more... )

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meagan4dominic October 9 2013, 03:10:35 UTC
I agree, there were definitely parts that drove me crazy (you were there, you know, haha), but as a whole it was such a rewarding experience and it was so worth putting the time into it.

It annoys me when people compare one TV show to another, it's entertainment, not a competition. My mum isn't afraid to harp on about how much the ending annoyed her and left her cold and etc, but I'm with you, I loved it. I was happy with it, to have the characters have their happy endings is all I was really watching for.

The characters were always my favourite but then the plots were so amazing and just elevated the show into its own stratosphere. I love how you've described it as one chapter of the island's story, it's so true and that's what the whole show was about, that the island was so much bigger/so much crazier than could ever be told, this was just a taste of it and then we get to go on and imagine what other madness was in there. I'd much rather let my own imagination run wild and formulate new adventures rather than have every question answered/every thing wrapped up into a nice, neat package, this way in a sense the show never really has to end, not as long as people are still wondering about it (which is a stroke of genius on the creator's part).


jesterlady October 10 2013, 01:26:48 UTC
You said it! Normally I crave resolution and tying up plot threads, but Lost wasn't the kind of show that needed that. I think it was perfect and I am very happy you think so too. :)


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