Oct 20, 2012 12:20
Recently there have been a few people who seem to have major issues with what I post on my Facebook. Ok, if I were running around, putting up things on their Facebook pages, I could understand their point. However, that is not what is happening. I am posting stuff to my own Facebook, and people are seeing it, getting offended, and then deciding they have to "haul me in on the carpet", so to speak.
I am going to take this opportunity to address the issues people seem to be having.
1. Go to my "about" section. Under religion/personal beliefs, it says "atheist". Now, seeing as I am an atheist, that means I don't believe in god/s. Why then do you think it's appropriate to be bible-thumping me, and berating me for not following your bible? I don't go telling you that you're an idiot who believes in faerie tales, do I? Do I post scathing comments to your page, no matter what it says? I think everyone would find I do no such thing. When I am commenting on another person's post, I try to be positive and respectful, if it's something I have a huge problem with, I just hide the post. Yes, there's a way to do that...just go to the upper right hand corner of the post, hover on it for a second with the pointer, a drop down menu will appear, there will be an option to hide the post. Click on it, done. There's even a handy-dandy option to hide all my posts if I am so terrible...
2. My Facebook page just that...MY Facebook page. I post on it to express my views and opinions, not to parrot yours. If you find this to be uncomfortable, refer to the "hide post" instructions I gave you in point #1. I post pictures of myself that I like, pictures of my friends and family as well. I share and add pics that I like, or ones that express points that I agree with in a witty or humorous way. Some are just pictures I find to be really cool. Once again, not your place to try to "approve" my content as if you're my parents.
3. I fucking swear a fucking lot, if you don't fucking like it, refer to the god damned area in point #1 about hiding the posts. People who know me know what my page is like. It is not my job to censor myself in a medium that is for my self expression. I abide by the rules of conduct for the website. I especially swear when I think about things that have been done to myself or others, injustices, abuses, and terrorism in the name of a "loving god". I swear when I remember painful past events, I swear when I have to hear endless stupidity presented as reasonable fact.
4. You cannot attack me, tell me I have no morals, no values, no principles and expect me to just take that lying down. It's not like I came to you, preaching at you. It is also not your place to tell me not to post things on my page that you don't like. You have every right to tell me not to post it on yours, but none to dictate to me about my page. I especially take offense to the blatant hypocrisy of those who would bash me for my every move or thought. I can live by my principles, I don't say that I "found Jesus" (will someone please get Jesus a GPS, apparently he always needs people to find him) and that negates all of my past stupidity.
5. There is always the option of "unfriending" me. Be well warned, however, if you are someone I deal with in my real life, outside of cyberspace, my tolerance for bullshit is even lower in person. If the nasty, judgmental attitude is thrown in my face, be prepared, I throw it back twice as hard. Come with logic, come with reason, come with manners, or GTFO.