Jun 07, 2011 20:25
You know something, I'm not defending myself anymore. I'm not doing anything illegal! I'm not doing anything that's prohibited by standards of FCC, so really, people who don't like it can get bent. I happen to be over-fuckin'-joyed that I can put my bikini back on! I happen to be overjoyed that my gym dedication is going so well for me...if there are people out there who could take it "the wrong way". Hey, that's on them. I just know I'm tired of censoring myself for others, really. You know, I remember a time when I once begged someone not to do something because it would hurt me, and you know what? The fucktard did it anyway, hey, I have my principles too, and I am not changing to suit you, or anyone else. I'm not going out of my way to piss people off, but I'm not walking on eggshells anymore either. Hey, here's something offensive! If my bikini pix rub you the wrong way, how about I look up the edge of what can get away with and just barely stay within it? Let me tell you, I'm a pagan who's had a complicated delivery, think I give a tinker's damn who sees me naked? Let me tell you, that's a big NO! I'm so tired of people attempting to inflict their hypocritical standards on me. I don't care, ok? Everyone who knows me, should know that!
If anyone is really uncomfortable with me, well, karma is a nasty little pointy shoe, and she's pinching your foot now, isn't she. Go fuck yourself, you know who you are.