(no subject)

Dec 17, 2009 22:42

[ So.

It's been over a month, now, since Gamma's return to his world to find everything as he'd left it. They'd finished the fight against Byakuran, allied with the Vongola, and things have settled back into peace. Nuadoria seems sometimes like a dream except for the physical evidence, the brand still carved into his skin to prove its reality.

Uni doesn't speak of it, or doesn't remember, but she seems to know that something has changed with him. She let him resign as a Guardian with that sad understanding smile, let him wander Italy for a little bit to recover (to get over it, to get over him), and finally asked Gamma to oversee her home operations while she traveled to Japan. He couldn't refuse. She's not a little girl anymore and her decisions have the weight of the Sky Arcobaleno behind them, and as much as Gamma dislikes the Vongola he knows she's safe with them and doesn't need him around to glower and make biting comments.

So here he is, sitting at an Italian cafe and sipping his wine. The fate of the Millefiore had left a power vacuum that the Giglio Nero were in no position to take advantage of, and all kinds of lower families were making their presence felt. He's heard humors of another up and coming family, something with a lot of ties to the yakuza, and supposedly their boss is a powerful but reclusive young man barely out of his teens. Intel so far hadn't been able to produce any reliable images or even estimate the kid's abilities. The parallels are too close to the Gesso for Gamma to ignore it, hence his coming personally to do some reconnaissance. A little bird had told him that the Mezzanotte boss was here at this little block of commercial district today, was in fact in the restaurant across the street right now, and Gamma's hoping to get a glance at the kid himself.

If he can figure out which one he is. All Gamma has is a general description, dark hair, pretty, most importantly would be toting some kind of bag large enough to conceal a sword. ]
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