Why people suck and a question

Feb 05, 2009 13:35

So. Last Sunday my daughter and her BF were driving the backroads home, here. A kitty was in the road and wouldn't move. They stop the car and the kitty runs under the car. As they try and move the car with BF pushing, the kitty moves along underneath. They stop again and this time kitty jumps into the wheel well. Daughter makes a grab and gets the kitty. Someone along the road stops and says they don't recognize it. Daughter brings the kitty home.

This is Little Grey expressing love. She scrunches her face, and meows. Without sound!

After some discussion, daughter and BF return to the kitty-nap and start going door-to-door to see if it might belong to someone further up, or down, from where they found it. First door, the lady has seen it before and says someone dumped a "bunch of cats" at the old mill sometime ago. Daughter and BF go to the mill and hear mewing. Daughter brings the kitty home.

This is Molly stretched out on the coffee table enjoying the warmth of the fire.

A trip to our local animal shelter later, we are the proud foster parents of two, not-really-wanted, kitties. Little Grey is likely 2 years old and MAY be the mama of Molly, under a year old. Both female. The shelter doesn't have room for another 2 weeks. We THINK we've found a home for Molly. They are probably the most affectionate lovely, sweet kitties I've had the good fortune to meet and live with. Seriously. LOVELY! The question of course, why oh why do people think it's OKAY to just dump cats? In the middle of winter no less? What sort of thought process comes up with this logic? Gee. I don't want to take care of this animal anymore. I know. I'll dump them in the middle of nowhere and I'm sure they will be fine. WTF?!?!?

QUESTION TO CAT PEOPLE: Little Grey seems not to get the whole litter box thing. She routinely chooses a corner to do her thang. I've picked her up and plopped her back in the box. I googled and found that some cats don't like particular litter. Fair enough. I'll get new stuff when I go to town. In the meantime, I added some shredded newspaper to the box hoping that might entice her. No luck. Anyone have a solution for this? Please? It's gonna be a long two weeks otherwise!
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