... *PHEW* I made it. ;)
Funny how a mere 8 hours and change per week of training seems like a cake walk, huh? Perspective. It's all about perspective. Still haven't figured out exactly what the emotional brain twist was all about but it seems to be part and parcel of pushing oneself hard. As Coach Colin opined, "...the majority of highly successful athletes aren't exactly descendants of Nietzsche or Newton!" Keeping one's brain in check seems to be as needed a skill as good nutrition or proper sleep habits. There's always something!
Because it's an "easy week" I've been able to devote some time to the studio. I finished up a piece for HGDT (you can see it
here or
there) as well as a "thank you" (below) to Sue for being instrumental in getting my work in
The Flying Pig. I can't believe it has taken me so long. urg.
And as if I don't have anything better to do, I started rearranging, adding more storage to Ye Ol' Studio ... which of course is now completely ripped apart. *geez*