Санта Клаус - это на самом деле медвед

Dec 25, 2007 09:30

Я всегда это подозревала :-)

Статья Р.А. Уилсона Santa’s Crimes Against Humanity
And Santa, like Peter Pan and the Green Man of the spring festivals, and the Court Jester - and (in an odd way) Chaplin's beloved Little Tramp - all have traits of the god that walks like a man and acts nasty sometimes and clownish sometimes and who was ritually killed and eaten by most of our ancestors in the Stone Age, who then became one with their god and thus also became (if the ritual worked) as brave as their god.

Most folklorists recognize "the cannibal in the woods" as a humanized relic of the bear-god. The heroine, in 101 tales, meets him while on a mission of mercy. He generally sets the heroine to solve three riddles, and when she succeeds, instead of eating her he becomes her ally and helps her reach her goal. One variation on that became The Silence of the Lambs. Another became Little Red Riding Hood.
What? Hannibal Lecter another of Santa's uncouth family?
Yes, indeedy.

И апофеозом:
It only takes a minor letter switch, they point out, to reveal Santa Claus as SATAN Claus.

И сразу вопрос к вам, дорогие френды, знатоки Р.А. Уилсона: а откуда, собственно, всплыла эта статья, она уже была раньше где-нибудь опубликована?
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