Yeah, so this is probably mostly for
medicinal_scent, but BREAKING NEWS that I had to share/rant about! I found a cover of that Joanna Newsom song "Emily." It clearly couldn't be anything but god-awful, but I foolishly had hope, and I'm here to dash yours. If there were any song that could pull through on lyrics alone, this would be it, but it's tragic listening to those lyrics work so hard to be noticed. The thing about that song is, yes, the lyrics are desperately beautiful but the full production of the song itself is also just clever and beautiful and kind of sparse in the way that it makes you lean your whole body into it because it's so delicate that if you continue your oafish listening habits you will kill it . And even with that sparseness, I'd probably've taken even more instruments out of the parts of the song where she gets intense, because it's the emotion in her voice that blows my spot up. Anyway, point is, this Chris Perdue guy is more poppy and overproduced than -- bless their hearts -- The Shins, and it's just a tragedy to listen to generic indiepop guitar strum its slightly synthesized (!!) way over heart-stopping lyrics.
And those drums in the beginning!
Download it just to hate on the drumming in the first verse (HOO can tell I'm also secretly using this as a venue to try out all the LJ HTML skillz I can?). I thought about saying something to be funny, like about how I couldn't decide whether I hated the generic guitar or soulless drums more, but I mean that's not true, I've decided. Fuck those drums.
p.s. Indulge me once more as I continue my adventure and see if I can embed the mp3 directly into this journal entry so you can play it from here. AAAAND GO:
[edit: yeaah, not so much.]