Aug 20, 2009 13:25
There's a girl from another team we work with who has the most annoying laugh I have ever heard (to reproduce it: gasp like you just saw something shocking. That sudden intake of breath you just created? Now repeat it over and over. That's how she laughs. GASP! GASP! GASP! And she laughs *a lot*.)
Every time I hear her coming close to my corner of the office, I bolt and run to the copy room or the washroom or something. I can't stand to be around her. She's a super nice girl, but that laugh grates on me like you wouldn't believe. I think it's because it sounds exactly like something gasping for breath/having an asthma attack, and it triggers my "Someone's in trouble! Alert!" instinct. Except, for nothing.
Also, it's gray outside, I'm bored, and feeling slightly crabby. I'm also restless, and should be working on about five different stories, but I can't concentrate on any of them. I want some cheese. And something made of chocolate.