Happy International Women's Day!
To start things off I just want to share a few videos.
First is Margaret Cho discussing the morning afrter pill..
Next is a clip that makes me wish more Catholics could be as reasonable.
Lastly is a clip that asks women if they are feminist and what the word means to them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcapO8EsKM8 Ok so it seems like every other day there is something in the news about women. And for the most part its not really great.
One day it's kids getting suspended for saying vagina. The next it's some absurd t-shirt suggesting that rape is funny. It's disappointing. Not only when men participate, but when women do as well. I read a story recently about a woman who insisted that a sign advertising "The Vagina Monologues" be changed to "The HooHaa (or something equally ridiculous) Monologues"....really? Is vagina an offensive word? I could understand if it was called the cunt chronicles or something, but it's not. It's named after a part of the body and I can not understand why anyone who has one would be offended by it.
Women need to get on board and stop holding each other back. If it's not Ann Coulter it's a housewife who thinks career women are selfish, or its a career woman who thinks housewives are a disappointment to the women who fought for there rights. What seems to be forgotten is the midst of it all is that its not really about the choices we make, it that we have the choice. Women need to lay off bringing each other down. Calling someone a bad feminist because they don't think "woman" should be changed to "wimin" is self defeating. We're on the same team so lets be on the same team.
Sexism is not a male specific disease. It crosses the gender gap and touches us all. I'm not about to pretend that I can affect the world at large with my meager post but I'd like to at least try to make a difference with those closest to me. I will not watch silently as friends and peers dissolve into douchebaggery. Spewing sexism and misogyny like it's the cool thing to do. Jokes about abuse towards women are not funny. End of story. Period. It's not about lack of a sense of humour. It's about having a heart, a brain and using them together.
Feminism is not a dirty word. It is not about taking over the world. It is not about man-hating. It's is about equality. True equality. Which has yet to be seen.