I'm Uke and I'm proud?

Aug 02, 2008 13:09

The SEME or UKE Quiz
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as The Optimistic UKE
You are the kindest, most sweet, and cutest of all UKE kind. This is not really a bad thing, actually it's very good. You may be the lowest level of UKE but you are also the happiest and most adorable. You are often a fan of things you can snuggle with and cartoons will never grow boring for you. You smile a lot and nothing ever seems to get you down which makes you a great match for the Gentle SEME. Be warned, though, my Uke-friend.. rough times await you if a Homicidal SEME lingers too close. You would do well to befriend a Sorrowful UKE as I'm sure your happy-go-lucky attitude will balance out their depression. On my last note I will say that ropes, whips, and chains aren't your fancies even if they are tempting - I'd stick to just the simple stuff if I were you.

The Optimistic UKE

95%The Gentle SEME

80%The Sorrowful UKE

60%The Devilish UKE

55%The Breaker SEME

50%The Homicidal SEME


8D ....Uhm...I'm the most uke-est out of all the ukes! I'm not in denial OTL i know I'm a full time uke...I joined the bandwagon~

D< GAH! I hate the rain...I hate the thunder too...but for some reason, misotok scares me more than the thunder...

ultimate uke, bandwagon

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